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Peace Education

UPF Founder's Speech an Expression of Love for Italy

Rome, Italy - A few of the many wonderful comments people gave at the end of the UPF's Founder's speech in Rome on April 29.

I have been Ambassador for Peace for a few years, and I always felt that there was a special grace in it. I defended Rev. Moon’s name for some time without knowing him so well. Now I know what was the power behind my attraction to him: He is the carrier of God’s will for this time. I’m grateful for this night's life-changing experience. Rev. Moon is a true man of God who not only preaches but also lives what he preaches. Thank you again, and let’s work to build the new world of peace together.
- Antonio Imeneo, High Commissioner of the World Parliament for Security and Peace

I fully share the Rev. Moon’s vision expressed by him in the speech. Especially important is the meaning of this new age in which we will recognize all humankind as part of our family under one God. Each man and woman of the third millennium has the messianic principle in himself and herself, but Rev. Moon and his wife opened the way for the new culture and God’s Kingdom on earth and in Heaven. Thanks to them we can feel as brothers and sisters in one only world family, with one lineage.
- Gabriella Lavorgna, President of the “Mandir della Pace,” a spiritual group that organizes the Assisi Peace Meeting every year

The extraordinary figure of Rev. Moon, with all his communicative power, is unique in the way he changed the contemporary era. I wish to express my great joy for his presence in Rome as part of his tour. I consider this choice an expression of his love and concern for Italy, at the point that he wanted to include Rome in his life experience once again.
- Hon. Souad Sbai, MP, President of Moroccan Women's Association

A man moved by a heavenly energy, the most important prophet of the 21st century: his words, deeply rooted in his universal faith, will soon blossom for the future generations.
- Franco Bucarelli, journalist and expert on the Vatican

Rev. Moon in his speech was passionate, convincing, and constructive—really very special. I was particularly impressed by the idea of the Bering Strait [crossing] and the one between Korea and Japan. I really hope that all his dreams come true very soon.
- Carlo Alberto Tabacchi, journalist and expert on international politics

This Rome tour speech of Rev. Moon was a particularly meaningful one. Rome has been a city of great spirituality but also often great intolerance. UPF is working now for human rights and true peace based especially on religious freedom. This is the result of the Rev. Moon’s hard work building so many organizations for peace, aimed at reaching people of all levels. Especially important is the effort he is making to build bridges between enemy countries, like Japan and Korea or USA and Russia. His vision is to make the people of the world closer and closer as one family.
- Antonio Stango, Helsinki Committee for Human Rights and secretary at the parliament and European Union

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