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Peace Education

Ambassadors for Peace Seminar in São Paulo

São Paulo, Brazil - About 70 people gathered at the Unification Movement Headquarters building on August 27 for a seminar on “Building a World of Universal Peace at the Time of Global Crisis.”

To prepare the atmosphere we listened to the words and sound of peace “Heart to Heart” from Cristian ABBA´s group ( Bishop Dom Edson, who came especially from Brasilia for the event, offered the invocation and prayed for a successful meeting.

The first presentation was made by Lígia Mattar, representing the Lama Gangchen World Peace Foundation ( This foundation made a proposal in 1995 for the creation of a permanent forum inside the UN, a “United Nations Spiritual Forum for World Peace.”

The second lecturer was Nelma Sá, President of UNIPAZ of São Paulo (, an International University of Peace network working in seven nations offering training courses on the “Art of living in Peace.” She talked about the third World Peace Festival project that will be launched in São Paulo in 2012.

Then Juliana Vilanrinho representing the Brahma Kumaris ( Hindu movement shared about the practice of meditation as a way to build a better and more peaceful world.

During the break, Shellah Avellar, a metaphysic artist, invited all the participants to draw with their fingers on a canvas with their best feelings, and then with the help of the good ancestors she painted over to finish the drawing. During the event, she received a psychographic message from the spirit world.

After the break, Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo, with the help of Simão Ferabolli translating, gave a brief talk about the reconciliation of married priests and the mother Catholic Church.

Then the video, with Portuguese subtitles, presenting the worldwide activities of the UPF around the world in 2010 was shown.

Simão Ferabolli, president of the Family Federation for World Peace-Brazil presented UPF's five principles of peace. The final presentation, by UPF-Brazil Vice President Rev. Christian Lepelletier, UPF vice-president, introduced the proposal for an interreligious council at the UN.

Then religious representatives were called forward for the ‘Water of Peace’ ceremony: Bishop Edson from the Family Ministry Catholic Church, Ligia Mattar from Tibetan Buddhism, Archbishop Milingo from the Catholic Married Priest Ministry, Juliana Vilarinho from Brahma Kumaris, Pastor Koichi Sassaki from the Unification Church, and Shellah Avellar from Spiritism.

The new Ambassadors for Peace were called to receive their certificate: Cristian ABBA, singer for Peace, Nelma Sá, São Paulo UNIPAZ Presidente, Ligia Mattar, Lama Gangchen Foundation Culture of Peace coordinator and Juliana Vilarinho, Brahma Kumaris Professor.

We listened to the final song ‘‘Unconditional Love’’ from Cristian ABBA and we went next door to share the delicious refreshments that were beautifully prepared and served by the Women's Federation for World Peace and Family Federation for World Peace youth volunteers.

To see photos of the event, click here.

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