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Peace Education

Opportunity for Healing and Reconciliation

New York, USA - As the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the US nears, old wounds open and fresh wounds are created even in what is intended to be a process of reconciliation. As Ambassadors for Peace we offer hurting people a healing process.

Something found meaningful in many places is a "Waters of Healing Ceremony." Representatives of different religions, cultures, or races each bring a symbolic container with water. Each in turn pours the water into a common vessel symbolizing the contributions that each makes to the whole. The large container symbolizes the unity of religions and cultures, recognizing each other not for their uniqueness but for their common destiny. Prayers may be offered expressing the unity of life and the common desire to work together for peace.

The emcee introduces the ceremony with words such as the following: 

Let these waters wash away
the ancient grudges,
the bitter hatreds
nurtured over generations.

May they melt the memory
of our own pain.

Let our hearts,
nourished by the water of life,
blossom in beauty.

Our world awaits the water
that each of us can bring.

Waters of Healing and Reconciliation from Universal Peace Federation International

Read reports of ceremonies in Washington, DC; Mindanao, Philippines; Tokyo, Japan; and New York, USA.

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