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Peace Education

Training in Yekaterinburg on Developing a Personal Mission Statement

Yekaterinburg, Russia - In a small UPF-Urals office, a hands-on training on “My life mission” took place on February 25. It was conducted by the author of the project “,” Evgeny Skvortsov, UPF activist and professional psychologist.

The notion of a “mission statement” means a purpose and destiny, denoting a sense of existence. In business, a mission statement expresses the strategic target of an organization. But what does a "mission” mean for a human being? Based on our training, we might presume that a mission is a marked path towards realizing one’s dream. We propose to formulate a personal mission statement starting from one’s dream.

Why is a mission so important? A person's dream is connected with his or her most noble desires and attitude both towards his or her own personality and the surroundings: nation, nature, world, etc. Youth is a time for maximizing dreams. There comes a time when young people shift from focusing on their peers, embark on a course of self-determination, and choose their future sphere of activity. To make a sensible choice, one should know precisely the life direction he or she desires to follow, taking into account their knowledge, talents, and skills.

The hands-on training “My life mission” is developed for young people, but based on the experiences of conducting it a few times it was concluded that this kind of activity could also be interesting to adults. The age of the participants was between 18 and 36. Among them were students, young businessmen, and public activists who participated in UPF projects such as “No More Litter.” There were two guests from Tyumen, a city about 300 kilometers east of Yekaterinburg, including the leader of the Tyumen Center of Volunteer Development, Natalya Sidorova.

During the training, the instructor pointed out the social aspects that are important in the process of defining one’s mission. The task was interactive, although each person was seeking to formulate his or her mission statement. Finally, the participants were told how notable people in the spheres of culture and science formulated their life course vector (playwright Bernard Shaw and sociologist P. Sorokin); after that some participants read to the audience their version of their life statement.

This training is included in the cycle of lessons of the “School of Peacemaking,” a project aimed at developing an integral perception of each person’s role, highlighting the role of families and communities in peacemaking, promoting peace principles, and educating young leaders to take clear, tolerant, and active social positions.

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