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Peace Education

Argentinians Hear Report of Leadership Conference in Uruguay


Buenos Aires, Argentina - “Towards a new paradigm of peace and development” was the motto under which UPF-Argentina Ambassadors for Peace were invited to the Peace Embassy in Buenos Aires on July 17, 2014, along with other guests, to share the experiences and a report about the International Leadership Conference organized by UPF International in Uruguay in April.

On the occasion, the participants in the conference who gave their opinion were businessman Sang Hyun Kim and pastor Edith Paredes, who were very grateful for having the opportunity to know more about the UPF’s view and work. “I am here to contribute, even if it is only two cents (…) We need to have peace in order to transmit it,” said Mr. Kim, who also talked about his Korean origin and his experiences in the country he arrived in 1965. “There are so many problems that we do not know how to help,” Pastor Paredes said with emotion; apart from her religious work, she also works in a network of women who oppose violence. “Doing something is not a question of money, but of being together (…), and the first thing is to achieve peace in the family (…). All of us can contribute with something,” she said.

“Undoubtedly, the cultural and religious exchange, the academic dissertations, and the possibility of getting to know the experiences, programs, and concrete actions for the common good, as well as the defense of the inalienable rights of human beings which are displayed through the UPF in different places constitute a shining and eternal torch for world peace. All of this has been very enriching and has been a great inspiration for me and my agenda,” said Province Deputy Leonardo Yulán, who was present through this note. Pablo Meza from Fundación Chaco could not attend the meeting for health problems.

Carlos Varga, director of the Unification movement, who joined the Argentinian delegation in Uruguay, considered it was essential to strengthen the fraternal bonds in this age: “cooperate and love each other.” He emphasized that the “greatest challenge is to love others.” He also said: “Humanity must come back to the roots, return to the word, and claim the role of parents.” Miguel Werner, secretary general of UPF-Argentina, summarized the central points of what was shared in each session in Uruguay and the UPF effort in facing the challenges of peaceful coexistence in the region in this globalized world, where many crises that emerge seem to revive old disputes.

Finally, before the snacks and the warm fraternization between the guests, Alba Luz Tangarife read the central points of the message sent by Dr. Hak Ja Han, co-founder of UPF, to the conference in Montevideo, which was read by her daughter, Mrs. Sun Jin Moon, especially her call to action: “let us live in harmony with nature,” mentioning the shocking quantity of 20 million people who die of starvation each year; the ideal of “one family under God”; “encouraging international, interreligious and interracial marriages and the creation of ideal families”; and “taking the lead in promoting reconciliation and unity among all the religious traditions in North and South America. A peaceful world begins with the reconciliation and unity among religions.”

At the beginning, an extract was shown of the warm opening of the conference in Montevideo: “Towards a new paradigm of peace and human development in Latin America”, with related speeches and artistic numbers, which connected the participants of America with invisible bonds, with the usual hospitality of the Uruguayan people and the welcoming message of the former first lady María de las Mercedes Menafra (2000-2005). To watch the video, click here.

To see the report, messages, photos, and videos of the conference in Uruguay, click here.

Translation: Yamila Gómez

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