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Peace Education

Nepali Media Supports UPF’s Vision of Social Transformation

Nepal-2015-07-06-Nepali Media Supports UPF’s Vision of Social Transformation

Nagarkot, Nepal—Sixty journalists from print, TV, radio, the government, and online media agencies gathered for the first Media Leaders Seminar just outside the Kathmandu valley in Nepal from July 5-6.

The event, whose theme was “Providing Vision and Leadership at a Time of Global Change,” was organized by the Forum of Nepalese Journalists (FNJ), a coalition of nearly 400 media professionals working throughout Nepal, and co-sponsored by UPF-Nepal.

The secretary general of the FNJ, Mr. Chandar Mani Bhattari, opened the program. He said that journalists in the FNJ want to do more than just report about events in Nepal; “we want to help transform society.”

Social transformation is also one of UPF’s main goals which it seeks to accomplish through education that focuses on clearly defined universal Principles of Peace.

At the opening session on the first night, Hon. Ek Nath Dhakal, chairman of UPF-Nepal, who is also a member of Nepal’s parliament and a former government minister, outlined an alternative political strategy termed, Headwing Democracy. This philosophy seeks to span the ideological divide between democracy and communism by analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of both systems of government. For example, one of the major shortcomings of both “isms” is sidelining spiritual and moral values.

During an interactive session the following morning, Hon. Dhakal defended the right of the media to play the role of watchdog. “I don’t mind the media criticizing the government when we do something wrong; that’s your job,” he explained, then added, “But don’t criticize our nation; it is like our mother.”

Dr. Robert Kittel, director of education of UPF-Asia shared two key concepts of Rev. Moon’s teachings: the principle of living for others and the principle of “One Family Under God.”

Mr. Santosh Paudel, president of Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU)-Nepal, told the journalists gathered together that they need to be models of the highest standards of human behavior. Quoting UPF founder, Rev. Moon, he said that media ethics must focus on, “following the right path, being truthful, and maintaining integrity.”

“The media educates a nation,” said Mr. Richell Jalipa, a national representative for UPF-Nepal. He explained, “After finishing formal schooling, people are educated by the media on a daily basis. They watch TV, [listen to] a radio, or [read] a newspaper.” Mr. Jalipa concluded his presentation by praising the media: “Media leaders are patriots because they sacrifice and risk their lives exposing corruption and abuses in the government and business sectors.”

The Universal Times (TUT), a national weekly newspaper in Nepal, surprised the attendees by giving them the latest edition of the paper on the morning of the last day of the seminar. On the front page was an article about the media conference itself.

Dr. Chuda Bahadur Shrestha, editor of The Universal Times, participated in the program and strongly supported the idea that marriage is an essential social institution that is needed to address many social ills. Mr. Binod Dangi, secretary general of UPF-Nepal, spoke about the extensive work the chapter has carried out in the country in the past 15 years.

Mr. Yubaraj Bidrohi, chairman of the FNJ, spoke at the end of the two-day program. He was grateful for the insights that UPF’s educational materials provide, and said that the FNJ wanted to continue collaborating with and fully supporting UPF activities in Nepal.

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