Zambia-2015-09-30-Zambian Ambassadors for Peace Study Peace Principles

Lusaka, Zambia—Ambassadors for Peace and guests attended a UPF seminar with the purpose of renewing their marriages and saving their families.

Twenty-five participants gathered on September 29 and 30, 2015, at UPF headquarters in the Barlastone area of Lusaka, the nation’s capital. The attendees included pastors, academicians and NGO leaders, among whom were several from the neighboring nation of Malawi.

The master of ceremonies, UPF-Zambia Secretary General Rev. Rudolf Faerber, explained the importance of the seminar, which gave a deeper look at the teachings of UPF Founder Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon. The lectures were given by Rev. Mwalagho Kililo, sub-regional director of UPF for East Africa.

In his presentations on the first day he emphasized the three great blessings, contrasted with the misuse of love as the cause of human suffering. At the end of each lecture, participants had very positive interactions.

On the second day, Rev. Kililo spoke about Rev. Dr. Moon’s life and accomplishments, and he presented another lecture on “The Unification Perspective on Marriage, a Means of Creating a Healthy and Ideal Society.”

Closing remarks were offered by Rev. Faerber, who urged each participant to become a messiah in their family, their community and their nation, and by Mr. Asafu Phiri, national coordinator of the organization Families Are Nations, who encouraged his fellow participants to disseminate the message.

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