Managua, Nicaragua—Ninety people attended a conference, organized by UPF-Nicaragua, on “Family, Peace and Development,” at the Los Robles Hotel in Nicaragua’s capital city of Managua on March 26, 2016.
The main program of the event was a panel discussion. Among the speakers were Rabbi Akiva Simcha of Hayim Jerusalem; Bishop Sturdie Downs, a leader of the Anglican Church; Rev. Leonel Ubeda of the Evangelical Church; Mr. Hasan Saleh Almealqwi, a representative of the Muslim faith; Rev. Cesar Marenco of the Evangelical Church; Bishop Emeritus Bernardo Hombach of the Catholic Church; Rev. Jorge de Oliveira representing Unificationism; and Dr. Chang Shik Yang, an advisor to UPF.
Afterwards, Dr. Yang spoke about UPF’s global activities and then conducted a water ceremony in which each of the religious leaders in attendance poured water into a common bowl, symbolizing religious unity under the same God.
Everyone was moved by the ceremony, and a closing prayer was offered by Bishop Hombach.