Albania-2017-02-18-UPF-Albania Opens New Branch

Bilisht, Albania—The UPF-Albania chapter in Korçë county held its first program of 2017 by opening a new branch in the town of Bilisht.

The activity consisted of creating a work group, as a representative of UPF, to enable the teaching of the UPF Peace Principles in more places.

The program, which was held on February 18, began with a performance by the children’s folk dance ensemble Devolli, which created a warm and welcoming atmosphere. After the presentation of the UPF Principles, eight people, specializing in different areas, were appointed as Ambassadors for Peace.

We were pleased to have the presence of Rev. Gi Yung Shin, a special advisor to UPF-Albania; Mr. Gaqo Apostoli, the chair of UPF-Albania; Mr. Gani Rroshi, the president of the Albanian chapter of Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU), an affiliated organization; and several representatives of the UPF Council of the city of Vlorë.

Their introductory words conveyed clearly the mission of UPF, creating a good impact on all the participants by orienting them to the higher spirit of all the people appointed as Ambassadors for Peace.

Several local news media reported on this event, including a local television channel:

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