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Peace Education

UPF Organizes Ambassadors for Peace Seminar in Montreal

On January 12, 2008, around 20 people, including 15 guests, gathered from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. to learn more about UPF and to get to know each other better, since time is always short at the monthly breakfast meetings. Among the participants were two Muslim women, members of the Canadian Islamic Congress, who were invited by an imam involved in two interreligious borough councils in Montreal. They were in the group of Muslim women who drove to Hérouxville in response to the controversy that erupted there not long ago, and had appeared on the Quebec newscasts. (They had a great time with us and plan to attend the next breakfast.) Also, Rev. Oscar Boloko came with Daniel Stringer from Ottawa and both contributed greatly to the meeting.

After introductions of all the participants, in both French and English, Franco Famularo gave the main presentation about UPF and the Middle East Peace Initiative, which were well received. He also introduced the Global Peace Festival set for October. After an enjoyable lunch, Ambassador for Peace certificates were given and a group picture was taken. Then, in the unique Montreal style, in both French and English participants shared their experiences and views, and several guests shared personal testimonies about the challenges they have faced. We are planning to do four such seminars per year from now on to supplement our monthly breakfasts.


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