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Peace Education

Commemorating the Death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

April 4 was the 40th anniversary of the passing of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Rev. Darryl Gray, senior pastor of the Imani Family Full Gospel Church, feeling that the occasion deserved public recognition, organized the only commemoration service held in the city of Montreal.

Despite the late notice and the dreary weather, nearly 100 people attended. UPF Secretary General Franco Famularo was called upon to offer remarks on behalf of UPF, while Melissa Brosseau read a letter from MP and former federal Minister of Justice Irwin Cutler. Anglican and United Church clergy also spoke, along with the US deputy consul.

Rev. Gray said that while there is still more to do, part of Dr. King’s vision has already been fulfilled. The event was well reported on the local TV news and in the following day’s Montreal Gazette.

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