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Peace Education

Thailand Hosts Asian Leadership Conference

Thailand-2018-01-28-Thailand Hosts Asian Leadership Conference

Bangkok, Thailand—Forty-five participants and staff representing 10 countries attended an Asian Leadership Conference from January 26 to 28, 2018, held at the Grand Fourwings Convention Hotel in Bangkok. Among the participants were 18 government officials and a delegation from the Philippines comprised of a congressman and his wife from Cebu province and 10 provincial parliamentarians.

The meeting, convened under the theme, “Providing Vision and Leadership for Nation-Building and Peace,” featured presentations by Dr. Robert S. Kittel, international president of Youth and Students for Peace, and Mrs. Ursula McLackland, secretary general of UPF-Asia. In discussions and in informal coffee breaks, the participants expanded on the content of UPF’s Principles of Peace explained by Dr. Kittel and Mrs. McLackland, considering practical applications of these principles to their professional and personal lives.

The conference concluded on January 28 with an Interfaith Peace Blessing Ceremony. The joyful atmosphere enveloping the couples rededicating their marriage was a natural extension of the conviviality that marked the event.

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