Linz, Austria—The historical development of women’s role, from early Christianity to today, was the focus of a lecture co-sponsored by UPF.
The Upper Austrian branches of UPF and the Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP), an affiliated organization, jointly organized the April 14, 2018, lecture titled “The Femininity of God.”
The lecturer, Herbert Giller, is a journalist and the author of four books, including What Comes after Communism? (1976) and What Comes after Capitalism? (2012). For many years he has been a very exact observer of the political, economic and social changes in the world.
It was interesting to hear how women’s role has developed parallel to the setting of direction within Christian teachings and the schisms involved.
The first important discussion started in the fourth century with Arius of Alexandria, whose position on the relationship between Jesus and God was condemned at the Council of Constantinople. Subsequently the Trinitarians gained acceptance with the teaching of the Trinity of God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit.
In the fifth century Nestorius spoke out against the growth of Marianism, the veneration of Mary, in which she was revered for having given birth to God. Also Nestorius suffered at the First Council of Ephesus the fate of an anathema. Mr. Giller emphasized that Marianism usurped the position of the bride of Christ.
Before true womanhood can manifest itself in our times, he said, the opposing side tries to destroy it. Feminism, which is directed mainly against men, and genderism are trends that obstruct the development of true womanhood.
Women like the early 20th century Austrian writer and cultural philosopher Rosa Mayreder, however, were pioneers for the age of women. One of her most famous quotes was: “Men will only know what women really are when they stop telling women what they should be.”
Equality is not enough; equal appreciation and valuation of the genders are necessary, Mr. Giller said. An equal valuation can be justified, he said, only by understanding the female nature of God talking to us through women.