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Peace Education

Canadian Scientist Discusses Human Values in Nepal

Canada-2018-06-24-Discussion on Nepal with Dr. Krishna Sharma


Vancouver, Canada—On June 24, 2018, Dr. Krishna Sharma, a Canadian scientist and interfaith activist, shared the results of an extensive study he conducted on the evolution of human values in Nepal, from ancient times up to the modern day, at a UPF meeting in Vancouver, Canada.

Summarizing his remarks, he wrote: "After the restoration of democracy and the establishment of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal in 2008, the core value of patriotism fell into decline. The new order invited all sorts of corruption at all levels and everything seemed unstable. Human values (honesty, humility, hospitality and humanity; love, care and kindness) became degraded.

Realizing that unstable government has produced a negative effect on socio-economic development, voters in the general election of 2017-18 secured a mandate for stable government at the federal, provincial and local levels, with decentralized authority almost like that of Canada. The hope of correcting declining human values and re-establishing a fair and just society which can sustain a balanced socio-economic development is still alive.”

When asked about the work of UPF and the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU), an affiliated organization, in Nepal, Dr. Sharma commented that they are doing great work, but that lessons learned are not always translated into a change in values because of the long history of political fragmentation.

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