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Peace Education

UPF-Argentina Cosponsors Program Honoring South American Liberators

Argentina-2019-08-08-UPF-Argentina Cosponsors Program Honoring South American Liberators

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Buenos Aires, Argentina—The values of South American liberators José de San Martín and Simón Bolívar were addressed by academics at a meeting held at Argentina’s Legislators Circle on August 8, 2019. The event was organized by the Historical Institute of the Legislators Circle and the Civil Association Acercando Naciones, along with UPF-Argentina. The purpose was to remember and strengthen the values of our patriots to encourage solidarity, commitment to the common good, and fraternity among peoples (1).

“Liberation Embrace: Values and Challenges for a Greater Fatherland” was the name of the presentation given by Prof. Emilia Menotti, president of Argentina’s Bolivarian Society. Dr. Rodolfo Argañaraz Alcorta, vice-president of the National Institute of San Martín, talked about Bolívar and San Martín, respectively. The lecturers showed great knowledge on the two liberators and their historical meeting in Guayaquil in 1822. At the end, they answered questions from the audience.

The panel was moderated by the parliamentarian Alberto Allende Iriarte, president of the Historical Institute of the Legislators Circle and deputy vice-president of the Legislators Circle. The parliamentarian Daniel Basile, president of the Legislators Circle, gave welcoming words as the host. The panel opening and presentation was facilitated by Ambassador for Peace Patricia Pitaluga, president of the Civil Association Acercando Naciones, and Miguel Werner, UPF-Argentina’s secretary general.

The closing was provided by the Zaperoco choral group, founded in Buenos Aires in 2017 by Venezuelan immigrants. The mission of the group is “to promote and encourage Venezuelan folk music and share it in Argentina, in gratitude for their warm, selfless reception.” Directed by Leomar Garrido, they performed “Canción con Todos”, “Que Mala Suerte,” and “Alma Llanera.”

On this occasion, UPF-Argentina gave the panelists Reverend Moon’s autobiography As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen, and Prof. Irene Mercedes Aguirre offered her book El Sueño de Los Heroes. We thank her, a “passionate San Martín admirer” and “Bolivarian lady of the Argentine Republic;” researcher, writer, teacher, and member of countless institutions and projects, who captures in her work her “deep sense of hope in Latin American integration” (2).


1) To see the video of the presentation of Dr. Rodolfo Argañaraz Alcorta and Prof. Emilia Menotti on José de San Martín and Simón Bolívar, click here.

2) Poem

“¡Si pudiéramos, americanos!”

¡Si en un canto triunfal nos abrazaran

los ensueños comunes que repican!

¡Si los muros se abrieran, si borraran

las tensiones que manchan, que salpican!

¡Si te llamara, hermano, con las voces

con que la tierna madre llama al hijo!

¡Reconcentrado los más puros goces

rostro en el rostro, con los ojos fijos!

¡Si una mañana cálida de enero,

ya sin senderos ríspidos ni arenas,

nuestra hermandad desarrugara el ceño!

¡Si en comunión gozáramos, sin pena,

-palpitación de verde y de jilguero-

la honda tibieza de dormidos sueños!

Poem by Prof. Irene Mercedes Aguirre, from her book El Sueño de Los Heroes, which she gave to the panelists and hosts of the event held on August 8 at the Argentina’s Legislators Circle.

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