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Peace Education

Peace Road Program in Argentina Focuses on the Environment

Argentina-2019-11-10-Embracing the Planet During Peace Road Argentina 2019

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Buenos Aires, Argentina—On November 10, Peace Road Argentina 2019 proposed to “embrace the planet” with marches and bike rides throughout the city. Peace Road is a world annual campaign held in 130 countries under the theme “Connecting the World through Peace” (1). It was declared of interest “for promoting and upholding human rights” by the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires Legislature.

The meeting point was Mariano Moreno Square, the start of Argentina’s highway network, in front of the National Congress. From there, people walked and cycled, and we planted an olive tree along with the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP) as “an expression of our commitment to environmental care, solidarity and peace.” Words were given by Councilwoman Adriana Boccalandro, from the San Vicente City Council, Buenos Aires Province; and Humberto Benedetto, Parlasur Parliamentarian (2).

We made a symbolic embrace of our planet at the Planetarium, where walkers, bikers, and people who joined the program before music and dances came together. One of the most emotional moments was when everyone held hands and surrounded the sphere of the iconic building from the Palermo neighborhood. It was also a joyful and colorful moment, since some people were wearing traditional dance costumes.


Let’s Say “Peace” Together

A significant moment was the prayer delivered in front of the Palace of Justice, “enhancing spirituality and the transcendent sense of life, for Argentina, solidarity, environmental care, justice and peace.” The brief program was directed by Peace Ambassador Patricia Pitaluga, President of the Civil Association Acercando Naciones. Prayers were delivered by Ambassador for Peace Alba Rosa Contardo, pastor and missionary of the Evangelical Ministry Cumbre Mundial de los Milagros; and Eduardo Castro, member of the Ecumenism and Interfaith Dialogue Commission of Buenos Aires Catholic Church. Representatives of other spiritual traditions joined this program and were invited to hold hands; at the end, they shook hands.

Among the walkers were children, young people, seniors, people using wheelchairs, entire families, parents pushing their baby’s stroller, and people with pets. They were all followed by agents of the city government, a first-aid team and staff consisting of Red Cooperar and CARP members. We also had a diversity of organizations and participants, some of them from distant provinces such as Jujuy and Misiones. Younger participants cheered up the walk and the bike riding by singing popular songs. When walkers and bikers entered the planetarium, they followed the rhythm of Venezuelan group Rumbarepa, who performed the song “Color esperanza.”

The artistic portion of the event was in the charge of the “Dance Group Caminata de las Quenas,” directed by Luis Melano. With their traditional expression, they seek to appreciate the cultural heritage of Northern Argentina, the legacy of Jujuy Exodus, and the memory of Manuel Belgrano, as well as to honor native peoples, gauchos and women during emancipation in the past and in the present. The Family Federation Chorus sang “Mundo de Paz,” and Alejandro Anderson Namuch sang one of his songs, “Pidamos por la Paz.” Previously, we shared a voice message from Alejandro Pérez, president of Commune 14. Alicia Borkowsky, from Community Center 14, and Carlos Varga, president of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, gave a few words. Also, parliamentarian Carolina Estebarena gave the diploma of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires’s declaration of interest on Peace Road. Meanwhile, Ambassador for Peace Liliana Hernández guided a greeting in sign language with the theme “Let’s say Peace together.”

Peace Commitment

Before the arrival of walkers and bikers to the Planetary, there was a brief program to invite occasional pedestrians to join the symbolic embrace, carried on by Peace Ambassador Makenna Zambonini, creator of Noches de Música por la Paz (Music Nights for Peace); and Christian Oreb, general coordinator of Red Cooperar of the Civil Society Organizations of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Singers at this program included the Russian duo Anna Ivanova–Eva Maccat, singer Mauro Galeppi (followed by Luis Agra’s percussion), and Iván Fernández Leonelli. Among the dancers were the Ballet Huellas del Folklore, coordinated by Ambassadors for Peace Marcos Daverio and Elsa Ortíz; and the folk music couple Mercedes Saitta–Iván Fernández Leonell, from the civil association Centro Cultural Familia y Trabajo, directed by Estela Pittavino.

Walkers traveled about eight kilometers, passing by the Obelisk, the Law School and the La Flor monument, which was the final destination of previous Peace Roads. Bikers traveled about 20 kilometers through the bicycle lane, passing by the National Congress, the Spanish monument, Palermo’s racecourse, University City, and Memory Park, where they shared a moment of reflection and prayer. Then, they arrived in Sarmiento Avenue and Belisario Roldán, where they met with the walkers for a symbolic embrace and artistic performances. To refresh energy, the Women’s Federation gave water and fruit to all participants, who were the main characters of the Peace Road.

UPF is one of the global advocates of Peace Road, which varies in each country and region, along with other civil society organizations, public and private sector. In Argentina, the Peace Road was held along with Red Cooperar of the Civil Society Organizations of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, the civil association Acercando Naciones, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, the Women Federation for World Peace, and the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles. Many other entities have supported and joined our fifth edition of Peace Road, which seeks to renew the commitment for peaceful coexistence and to promote mutual prosperity through universal values (3).


1) The Peace Road is a global initiative which seeks to connect all nations, aiming to achieve greater interrelation and mutual prosperity. It advocates the peaceful reunification of Korea, an undersea tunnel which can unite Korea and Japan and unite Alaska and Siberia through the Bering Strait under the International Peace Highway project. The Peace Road encourages dialogue and coexistence of cultures and religions, nations and ethnicities to avoid historical fears and misunderstandings that have separated us; as well as a better cooperation and understanding among North and South, East and West through culture, commerce, and shared universal values. The Peace Road advocates a greater commitment from the international community to solve local and worldwide issues: from violence and poverty to the global refugees issue and climate change. For these reasons, we organize activities, meetings, and rallies all around the world, such as walks, bicycling, etc., with the themes “Connecting the World through Peace” and “Realizing the Dream of One Global Family.”

This global campaign, which began in 2013, expects Peace Road initiatives in around 130 nations during 2019. In Argentina, we held this activity for the first time in 2015, with a walk that connected part of the route that separates Plaza de Mayo with the Basilica of Luján. Later, we had walks and bike rides in Buenos Aires and Córdoba, and we expect this initiative can multiply and spread to other cities, uniting provinces and neighboring countries.

Web: / More info:

Video about Peace Road 2018:

Video about Peace Road Argentina 2017:

Peace Road 2015 Documentary - MBCNET TV Korea:

2) The planting was held under the campaign “Let’s Plant Trees: Let’s Sow Peace,” promoted by the literary and ecological program “Y volverán a ser árboles” along with UPF-Argentina. Video and participation rules:

3) Supporting entities: Commune 14 / Rotary Club International / Collectivity Rotary – Satellite of Parque de los Patricios / Marina Mercante University (UdeMM) / Argentina Sports Confederation (CAD) / Integral Health Professionals (Pro.Sa.I.) / Civil Society Formando Ciudadanos / CILSA – NGO for inclusion / Commerce and Industry Federation of Buenos Aires City (FECOBA) / Sports Law Institute of Federal Capital’s Law School / Club All Boys Solidario / World Compliance Association Argentina / Argentinian Writers Society (SADE) – South Buenos Aires branch / Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Parque de los Patricios – Corporate Social Responsibility / Africa House in Argentina / Argentina School of Yoga and Ayurveda / Collectivity Union in Argentina for Development (UCADE) / FUNDARTES / Dr. Alberto Asseff - Mercosur Parliamentarian / Ofelia Fernández – Single Union of Singers / Verónica Geler - Radio Belgrano / …

Media coverage on Peace Road Argentina 2019:



Buen día noticia:

All Boys Solidario:

Luis Melano – Caminata de las Quenas

María Alejandra Lazcoz II (Abrazo al planeta):

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