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Peace Education

UPF Founder Honored at Centenary Exhibition

Czech-2020-08-06-UPF Founder Honored at Centenary Exhibition

Prague, Czech Republic—Almost 40 people attended the opening of an exhibition celebrating the centenary of Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, the founder of UPF and many other peacebuilding organizations.

The exhibition at the UPF Peace Embassy, titled “Legacy of Eternal Love,” displayed 15 posters about the life and work of Reverend Moon (1920-2012).

Universal Peace Federation organized the exhibition together with two affiliated organizations: Women’s Federation for World Peace, and Youth and Students for Peace.

At the exhibition’s opening on August 6, 2020, Dr. Juraj Lajda, president of UPF in the Czech Republic, described the most important moments in Reverend Moon’s life. Afterward three VIPs offered tributes to the UPF founder.

A video message from Rev. Mikuláš Vymětal, Th.D., was played, in which he described the spiritual dimension of Reverend Moon. Reverend Vymětal, an evangelical pastor and a pastor for minorities, recognized the UPF founder’s efforts to promote interreligious dialogue and cooperation. He especially highlighted the publication of the book World Scripture, which he called a very good instrument for increasing understanding and respect among the world’s religions. Reverend Vymětal also read aloud Reverend Moon’s recollection of his encounter with Jesus from his autobiography, As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen.

The next speaker was Dr. Roman Joch, the director of the Civic Institute in Prague and also the director of the Research Institute for Labor and Family in Slovakia. He emphasized Reverend Moon’s fight against communism in the early 1970s and 1980s. Reverend Moon was on the right side at that time, Dr. Joch said.

The final tribute, written by Rev. Dr. Jiří Vaníček, was read aloud at the meeting. Reverend Vaníček, the pastor of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church, summarized the significance of Reverend Moon in three areas:

First, Reverend Moon was a man who searched for God’s truth. He lived in another culture, but it is said that “according to their fruits you will recognize them.” For Reverend Moon, the family was sacred. He pursued the restoration of good relationships. When Reverend Moon used the word “peace,” it was not an empty political phrase. Reverend Moon invited all people from different cultures, religions and colors to create peace on earth.

Second, Reverend Moon established an interreligious platform where each person could praise God in his or her unique way. This platform was opened to everybody and included Christian prayer and Christian credo.

Third, Reverend Moon knew that any kind of socialism or communism is a disaster for humankind. He supported democracy and freedom.

After a short musical performance, the posters about Reverend Moon’s life and works were explained. Then the guests were free to tour the exhibition independently. Many of the guests said they were amazed and surprised about the scope and extent of Reverend Moon’s accomplishments.

The last panels of the exhibition showed how Reverend Moon’s wife, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, has continued the work and mission of her husband.

At the end of the program, an announcement was made about the worldwide online event Rally of Hope which was scheduled for August 9, 2020. The guests were encouraged to watch the rally, and several expressed their will to participate directly in the “live” audience.

Upon leaving, each guest was given a copy of Reverend Moon’s autobiography.

These are some of the thoughts written in the guest book:

“The meetings of Reverend Moon with world politicians were a big success.”

“This exhibition brings people to think more deeply about values.”

“We are amazed how the movement is developing and is reaching more and more people in the world.”

The exhibition was the first step in providing a view of the life and work of Father and Mother Moon in the year of the centenary of his birth and the 60th anniversary of their wedding.

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