San Marino, San Marino—The second issue for 2021 of the Italian-language quarterly magazine Voices of Peace was distributed at the end of June. You can read it here.
The new issue addresses such important topics as the Think Tank 2022 launch that occurred on May 9 during the sixth Rally of Hope. More than 2,000 experts confirmed the new peace initiative.
A second major event was a webinar on the family, held jointly by Universal Peace Federation and Women’s Federation for World Peace on May 14 in celebration of the International Day of Families established by the United Nations. Four speakers, all university professors, spoke on the theme "Which Family … Toward Which Future?" The webinar was very well attended.
Another important webinar, which took place on March 2, presented a book on North Korea and its prospects for change. The author, an Italian journalist who spent some time in North Korea, gives a very interesting cross-section of that nation for us to study.
Of course, there are several other topical articles. Enjoy your reading!
Giorgio Gasperoni