Australia-2021-07-03-UPF-Australia Holds Peace Seminar

Melbourne, Australia—UPF, in partnership with the Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP) and the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU), held a Peace Seminar with a focus to strengthen marriage, on July 3, 2021 in Melbourne, Australia. During the program, an interfaith rededication of marriage ceremony took place in which eight couples participated. Around 50 people attended the event.

Prayers and blessings were given by Ven. Bhikkhuni Bodhicitta, who represented the Buddhist faith; Rev. Nelson Pervaz, who represented the Christian faith; and Dr. Yves and Dr. Jacinta M., who represented the Unificationist faith.

The first presenter was Ven. Bodhicitta, who spoke about the importance of understanding oneself as the key to developing healthy relationships and emphasized that successful relationships depend on being selfless with each other.

Mrs. Anne Bellavance, vice president of WFWP-Australia, talked about how our partner helps us grow into a mature and loving person by utilizing “Loving Actions.” A couple in love represent the manifestation of the Creator’s feminine and masculine aspects and the ideal of love.

Dr. John Bellavance, vice president of UPF-Australia, spoke on the topic, “Why is Sexual Ethics Important?” Dysfunctional love and aspects of human nature cause conflict. Families can also be “dysfunctional schools” of values and relationships. Many of our emotional hang-ups, prejudices and insecurities come from our relationships.

Rev. Daniel Meadows presented on, “Why is Family Life Important?” He shared that the family is the “school of love,” the only institution not made by humankind. A peaceful world will begin from the family.

Mr. Rick McInerheney, a relationship skills trainer, shared four healthy marriage tips. These being: expressing appreciation daily and practicing empathic listening, speaking and awareness. He underscored the need to recognize the inherent value and dignity of ourselves and your spouse.

The seminar concluded with the appointment of six new Ambassadors for Peace: Mr. Lambert Abba; Mrs. Louise Keramaris; Mrs. Molina Asthana; Dr. Joy de Leo, recipient of the Order of Australia Medal for public service; Prof. Anoop Swarup; and Dr. Shahid Yamin.

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