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Peace Education

UPF-Argentina Discusses Peace Road at Ambassadors for Peace Meeting

Argentina-2021-09-08-UPF-Argentina: Peace Road and Reports at Ambassadors for Peace Meeting


Argentina—Peace Road was the topic of the monthly Ambassadors for Peace virtual meeting (Zoom and YouTube) on September 8, 2021, with local and international reports (1).

Opening remarks and greetings were given by the moderators, Ambassador for Peace Luba Opeka, from Akamasoa Foundation Argentina, and Miguel Werner, president, UPF-Argentina. First, Simão Ferraboli, secretary general of UPF South America, addressed one of UPF’s global lines of action: the peaceful reunification of Korea—the global strategy of involving and engaging all fields in building peace through the different leadership areas and the invitation to the 7th Rally of Hope, “Think Tank 2022.” Emanuel Sayavedra, UPF-Argentina secretary general, gave a report on the initiatives and activities that took place in August in Argentina. He gave a review on the creation of the Universal Peace Flag, initiated on September 8, 1984, a symbol of unity and universal fraternity, promoted by the movement “Pacis Nuntii,” which means “peace messengers” in Latin.

This was followed by the presentation of Peace Road 2021, “One Argentina through Peace,” which sought to create actions in every province with a “virtual walk” across the country during late November: solidary, ecological, artistic, cultural, sportive, or interreligious, following current sanitary rules and regulations. A promotional video of Peace Road 2021 Argentina was shown, made by former football player Omar “Pelusa” González, founder of All Boys Solidario (3). Then Ambassadors for Peace Christian Oreb, general coordinator of Red Cooperar of Civil Society Organizations of the City of Buenos Aires, and Patricia Pitaluga, president of the civil association “Acercando Naciones” (2) spoke about Peace Road 2021 and how it compares to the Peace Road events of previous years.

During the closing, we announced upcoming activities, including the celebration of the International Day of Peace, with the presentation of the 2020 Anthology and the 10th International Poetic-Artistic Contest and the launch of the International Association of Arts and Culture for Peace (IAACP) in Argentina. We also had invitations from Ambassadors for Peace Adrián De Angelis, representative of IMAP/UPF-Argentina, to the 2021 IMAP/UPF-Argentina Interview Series, and from Silvia Carranza, president of CILSA, to the 2021 “Leadership and Cooperation” Series, organized by UPF and YSP Argentina’s leadership areas.

During the meeting, two songs, “Felicidad” and “Hoy va a ser un gran día,” were performed by Diego Desanzo who generously offered his talent and enthusiasm to cheer the monthly Ambassadors for Peace meeting (4). Also, other artists shared their poems: “Volver a empezar,” by Ambassador for Peace Marina Fagundes Coello, writer and godmother of UPF-Argentina’s International Poetic-Artistic Contest (5); and “Resplandores solidarios,” by Ambassadors for Peace Silvia Bojart, Silvia Sierra and María Irene Giurlani, in support of the National Solidarity Day on August 26, 2021, in recognition of the day Mother Teresa of Calcutta was born (6).


1) Recording of the monthly Ambassadors for Peace meeting 8/9/2021:

2) Presentation of Peace Road 2021 Argentina:

Peace Message from San Juan - Peace Road 2020:

Peace Message from Tierra del Fuego - Peace Road 2020:

3) Omar “Pelusa” González - 2021 Peace Road Argentina promotional video:

4) Artistic numbers by Diego Desanzo:


“Hoy va a ser un gran día”:

5) Poem “Volver a empezar” by Marina Fagundes Coello:

6) Poem “Resplandores solidarios” by Silvia Bojart, Silvia Sierra, María Irene Giurlani:

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