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P. Jonathan: Address to World Summit 2022, Session VIII

Address to World Summit
February 11-13, 2022


Note: World leaders were invited to World Summit 2022 but due to air travel restrictions, participated by submitting a video message. The following text is a transcription of the recording.

Your Excellences; Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, co-founder of Universal Peace Federation; Julia Moon, President, Women’s Federation for World Peace; current and former Heads of State; current and former First Ladies; distinguished ladies and gentlemen. I am delighted to be part of this World Summit 2022. I appreciate the co-founder of the UPF, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, for her commitment to world peace and inspiring leadership, even in challenging times like now. I thank International Association of First Ladies for Peace, Africa for inviting me to give welcome remarks at this year’s Summit and for offering me the privilege to share my ideas toward peace in the Korean Peninsula, which is the focus of this Summit.

I am addressing your virtually because the raging COVID-19 pandemic has made it difficult for all guests to be physically present in Korea to discuss this all important project. There is no doubt that COVID-19 has had a huge impact on our lives and raised a wide range of challenges. The situation, therefore, requires all of us, irrespective of our differences, to support genuine efforts aimed at the recovering of our world from the effects of the pandemic. As we assemble here today, please know that peace is the only platform that supports development and social harmony. Without peace nothing can be achieved. There will be no prosperity and no developments.

I am happy that UPF is giving women the opportunity to be part of this peace effort. This is because like other conflicts, the crisis in the Korean peninsula has imposed untold hardship on the citizens, especially on women and children. I believe that if women are the main victims of crisis, we should also be part of the solution. As women we are home builders and peace promoters. We are naturally designed for this role. We had risen to the occasion in the past by working together to bringing peace to our lands. We the members of the International Association of First Ladies for Peace are ready to discharge this God-given role by deploying our capacity and experience to work for peace in the Korean peninsula. I believe the Korean peninsula conflicts can be settled.

To achieve this task, the international community should be sincere, focused, and objective in their engagement with the Koreans as they embark on the joining of faith. I appeal to the stakeholders who share more commitment to the thoughts of achieving lasting peace in the Korean peninsula and bringing peace to the world. Let me also use this opportunity to appeal to the leaders of both North and South Korea to consider making sacrifices and allow peace to envelope their hearts and to give peace a chance. That is a good way they can fulfill the purpose of God for their creation. Now is the time, your excellences. You are one people. Let peace reign for the sake of humanity. You will be remembered for this.

At this Summit, we look forward to developing strategies that will see both North and South Korea come together in a warm embrace, with the declaration of no more war. That is what the world is waiting for. Your unification is the unification of the world. Let this Summit go down in history as the Summit that achieved the desired reconciliation. Once again, let me on behalf of the International Association of First Ladies for Peace, Africa welcome you all to this Summit. I wish us all fruitful and successful deliberations.

Thank you.



To go to the World Summit 2022 Schedule page, click here.