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J. Barroso: Address to World Summit 2022, Sunhak Peace Prize Award Ceremony

Address to World Summit
February 11-13, 2022


Your Excellencies and distinguished guests,

We are gathered today to congratulate and encourage the 2022 Sunhak Peace Prize laureates. I would like to express my sincere appreciation for joining us on this special occasion.

The Sunhak Peace Prize was founded at the behest of Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, the wife of the late Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, to honor and preserve his ideals, legacy and achievements.

In selecting this year’s laureates, the Sunhak Peace Prize Committee focused on the “Response to Global Infectious Diseases.” History remembers the heroes who work for peace. During this time of the pandemic we need “health for peace” and “peace for health.”

The two laureates, Professor Dame Sarah Catherine Gilbert and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, are the heroes who have devoted themselves to “health for peace” and “peace for health” with their love for humanity.

The pandemic has highlighted the centrality of science. In this fight against a virus that jeopardized the lives of everyone in the world, science delivered hope in the form of “vaccines,” which have saved many lives. Without scientists like Professor Dame Sarah Gilbert, the pandemic would have left wounds much deeper and more fatal than they are now.

Also the pandemic has highlighted the centrality of solidarity and cooperation. Science gave us the tools to control the pandemic; however, we can only do it if we use them equitably, regardless of economic status. Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance emerged at the forefront of COVID-19 as the Avengers, the heroes who led the collaboration to overcome nationalism and make vaccine equity possible.

Distinguished guests and leaders!

Viruses thrive by division, but we can defeat it through solidarity. In the words of the co-founders of the Sunhak Peace Prize, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, “Peace can only be achieved when we cooperate across borders and love each other like one family.”

Our commitment to stronger collaboration for a better world is more important than ever during this pandemic. Virus is not the only challenge. When we work in solidarity in a multilateral approach, we can achieve miracles and find answers to the fundamental inequalities that lie at the root of so many of the world’s problems.

The laureates of today’s Sunhak Peace Prize, Professor Dame Sarah Catherine Gilbert and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, are the driving force in creating these miracles.

Again, I would like to express my deep respect and congratulate the two laureates of the 2022 Sunhak Peace Prize, the heroes of today.

The Sunhak Peace Prize will continue to discover courageous and righteous people who are dedicating their lives for the sake of peace and humanity. Let us all work together toward a noble culture of peace full of grace.

Thank you.



To go to the World Summit 2022 Schedule page, click here.