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S. Redo: Address to World Summit 2022, Plenary Session IV

Address to World Summit
February 11-13, 2022


Ladies and gentlemen: Only the love of God could bring together authorities, personalities, world leaders, presidents of non-governmental organizations and public and private managers under the leadership of the Mother of Peace, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, on behalf of whom I greet all the participants of this Universal Peace Federation World Summit 2022.

The host nation is South Korea, which knew how to reinvent itself and abandon poverty, social inequality, and hunger and today is an example of a nation that developed through the tripod of education / liberal capitalist democracy / industrial development, among the most valuable in the world.

The name “Korea” derives from Koryo, which means "tall and beautiful." Its mountainous peninsular regions make up one of the Asian Tiger nations, whose capital, Seoul, is the location of this memorable World Summit 2022.

The international organizing committee is led by His Excellency Samdech Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, and His Excellency Dr. Ban Ki-moon, the former Secretary-General of the United Nations.

And our host is Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, co-founder of UPF and main promoter of the World Summit 2022.

Once again we call on God, our all-powerful Father, to do what is possible and impossible for the two Koreas to reunite, to be responsible for the sustainable development of the Asian continent together with the consecrated tigers.

This ancient dream was the good fight experienced by the boy Sun Myung Moon, born on February 25, 1920 in the city of Jeongju in North Korea.

This was the dream that he pursued throughout his life until his departure at the age of 92, leaving one of the greatest legacies on the planet. This includes our UPF, which exists in more than 150 countries, with its worldwide base in Seoul, with more than 3,000 Ambassadors for Peace spread across the six continents of the world.

The legacy left by Reverend Moon will have a great influence in achieving the much sought-after peace and unification in North and South Korea.

As president of the São Paulo Press Association and vice president of the National Press Federation in Brazil, I call upon my fellow journalists from all over the world to disseminate and even promote the good contents of this World Summit 2022 in Seoul.

We journalists have the strength to transform a fact into news and mobilize the world for information.

One of the greatest examples is the Pakistani Malala Yousafzai, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize at the age of 17 for her courage against tyranny in defending the right of children and young people to education!

The shooting of the 15-year-old Malala as she was leaving school became an example of resistance against tyrants and oppressors, but it was the press that presented to the world a leader because of her life example of struggle for education and peace!

Today our appeal is for the common sense of the leaders of the Korean Peninsula. The world calls for peace. In his speech the former President of Brazil, Dr. Michel Temer, an Ambassador for Peace, was emphatic that we need good examples to be followed, especially in education.

Education is the great gateway to peace, development, and understanding among peoples.

I pray that God will bless us abundantly and present soon the way of peace on the Korean Peninsula

On behalf all Brazilians, I would like to take the opportunity to thank Dr. Simão Farabolli, the president of UPF-Brazil.

God above all!



To go to the World Summit 2022 Schedule page, click here.