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S. Radebe: Address to World Summit 2022, Session VIII

Address to World Summit
February 11-13, 2022


Beloved True Mother, Mother of Peace and Mother of Unification, beloved peace-loving leaders and associates throughout the world. Greetings from Imboni Dr. uZwi-Lezwe Radebe.

On this blessed day, millions of people around the world are coming together offering their prayers for the realization of a Heavenly Unified Korea and Heavenly Unified World. In Africa, 10 million peace-loving citizens, including millions of youths, are joining this movement for peace on the Korean Peninsula. One person’s prayer may be a dream but the prayers of millions become a vision and with the Mother of Unification, this vision is becoming a reality!

Our world is in the midst of a terrible pandemic. Millions of people are suffering and looking for hope. The essential need at this time in history is for all people to return to uMfihlakalo, the Creator, our Heavenly Parent. This is the central responsibility of spiritual and religious leaders. Without the Creator, the problems of this world cannot be solved. I repeat, without the Creator, the problems of this world cannot be solved. We need spiritual guidance from spiritual guiders, people who are gifted spiritually to lead and guide. Politics alone without proper spiritual guidance will never solve the problems of this world. As we have seen through time, politics have been in the forefront of solving the world’s problems. But we have seen the world entering into a darker phase and darker state. There is no moral compass, there is no direction in order to solve the world’s problems because of the lack of spiritual guidance. We need spiritual guidance from authentic spiritual guiders who are gifted to guide in this world.

Therefore, Mother Moon, our True Mother, has been working tirelessly, each and every day, investing her entire heart and soul, her blood, sweat and tears. She has brought hope and blessed us as Cheonbo Families. She held Rallies of Hope and she is now leading the realization of a Heavenly Unified Korea and Heavenly Unified World.

If we can unite with her and support her in building Heavenly Parent’s Holy Community, we can transform this world and build one cosmic family of humanity under the Creator, uMfihlakalo. We can fulfill our Heavenly Parent’s cherished hope and humanity’s dream. That is why I once again call upon the political leaders of Korea to seek True Mother’s anointing and blessing.

Thank you and may uMfihlakalo, our Creator, bless you!



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