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M. Buhari: Address to World Summit 2022, Summit for Peace Assembly & One Million Rally

Address to World Summit
February 11-13, 2022


Your Excellencies and distinguished participants at the World Summit 2022: I am delighted to join you at this Summit focusing on the theme "Reconciliation and Peace in the Korean Peninsula through Multi-Sectoral Peacebuilding Initiatives in Asia and in the World."

Thanks for the invitation from His Excellency Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen and His Excellency Ban Ki-moon. I commend Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, the founder of UPF, and her team for their continuous advocacy for sustainable peace in the world. I also commend world leaders who have spared the time to be in the Summit at this challenging time.

World Summit 2022 is a testament to the commitment and passion of world leaders to be part of the peaceful resolution of the challenges of the world and its development. The Korean Peninsula has been a flashpoint of conflict that has lingered for many decades and therefore deserves the attention of world leaders for a peaceful resolution. The Korean situation, as defined by its history and geography, is unique in the sense that it is the only nation in the Asia-Pacific region that has remained divided since the Cold War era. Peace on the Korean Peninsula has far-reaching implications for the region, if not for the world at large.

The Nigerian government encourages and supports every effort to promote understanding and a commitment to peace among the governments and peoples of both Koreas, and for a long time it has maintained relations with them at ambassadorial level. We have enjoyed cordial relations with both Koreas in trade and commerce, education, cultural exchange and technology transfer. And so, when it comes to what needs to be done to ensure a lasting peace on the peninsula, we are happy to be part of it.

All countries have one crisis or another that they are dealing with. What is important is the commitment to arrive at a true and lasting peace through the most peaceful process. Let me cite a few examples of the issues we are dealing with in Nigeria:

  1. We have designed, and we are implementing, a comprehensive peace plan for the northeast region of Nigeria, which has been thrown into insurgency in recent years.
  2. We are equipping the Nigerian Security Forces to enable them to effectively contain the contemporary security challenges facing Nigerian society in line with modern rules of engagement.
  3. We are establishing army and air force universities as a platform and long-term plan for institutionalizing the practice of peacebuilding and conflict management among young Nigerians.
  4. We have initiated many entrepreneurial economic projects to address high unemployment among youth.

At the regional level, our administration has shown, and will continue to provide, strong support for peace initiatives and efforts in the West African sub-region. We shall continue to pioneer and collaborate with all such efforts to resolve conflicts and bring lasting peace and security to the West African sub-region.

On the world stage, such initiatives as the establishment by the Universal Peace Federation of an international think tank concerning the Korean Peninsula is a highly welcome development. We are open to continuous partnerships with both local and international organizations, such as the Universal Peace Federation, to achieve lasting peace in the world.

I am optimistic that if we prioritize mutual cooperation and peaceful coexistence, the growth and prosperity of humanity are assured. Let us all join in the efforts and commit to achieving a just and peaceful world based on these principles. I wish the Summit beautiful deliberations.



To go to the World Summit 2022 Schedule page, click here.