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K. Oli: Address to World Summit 2022, Session VII

Address to World Summit
February 11-13, 2022


Your excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, namaste!

I am happy to attend the World Summit 2022: Toward Peace on the Korean Peninsula. I would like to say thank you to H.E. Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen from Cambodia; H.E. Ban Ki-moon, former secretary-general of the United Nations; and UPF leadership for inviting me to speak at this august gathering on a very pertinent issue for the Asia Pacific region.

Nepal supports peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula. The peaceful reunification of the two Koreas is not only in the interest of the Korean people, but also that of the people of this region and all people in the world. Many people see this issue as the key to catalyzing global peace, harmony and security.

The main objective of Nepal's foreign policy is to enhance the dignity of the nation by safeguarding sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence and promoting the economic wellbeing and prosperity of Nepal, with the aim of contributing to global peace, harmony and security.

Nepal was the first South Asian country to send troops to UN peacekeeping missions beginning in 1958. Nepal's contribution to UN peacekeeping operations has been hailed by the UN and the international community. The birthplace of Buddha, the apostle of peace, Nepal has followed a foreign policy fundamentally based on working towards and promoting world peace. The country experienced a violent conflict for 10 years before a peace process started. It took almost a decade before democracy was fully restored and a new constitution was promulgated. This whole process was Nepali-owned and led. We are grateful to the international community for their support and encouragement. They consistently advocated against the use of violence and for the promotion of human rights. So, as we talk about peace on the Korean Peninsula, this peace initiative must be led by Koreans. Other nations can support the process, and the goodwill of the international community is surely with both North and South Korea. Historically, the Korean people are a peace-loving people. As the president of Nepal’s largest political party, the Communist Party of Nepal (UML), [I can say that] peace, development and democracy have always been the goal of our party.

A prosperous Nepal and happy Nepali has been our national aspiration and my life’s ultimate objective, which I demonstrated during my tenure as prime minister. As we enter the era of the Asian century, we must remember that peace is not just a goal, it is also the means to that goal.

By this, I mean that both Koreas need to realize that reunification is not only in their best interest but is also the foundation for bringing peace to the Asia Pacific region and in the world. I congratulate the Royal Government of Cambodia and the UPF for co-hosting this important and historical Summit.

My wholehearted support and solidarity are for the success of the World Summit 2022. In closing, I would once again like to thank the organizers for their willingness to work for the healing and reconciliation of the Korean people.

Thank you!



To go to the World Summit 2022 Schedule page, click here.