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Y. L. Ancieta: Address to World Summit 2022, Session VI

Address to World Summit
February 11-13, 2022


First of all, I would like to extend my congratulations and send a special greeting to the Universal Peace Federation, this organization made up of political leaders, governors, religious leaders, academics, philosophers, businessmen and people of good will who work in each of the countries in which UPF, the Universal Peace Federation, has been working. I would also like to congratulate Dr. Moon who has followed the legacy, the work of her late husband, the Rev. Dr. Moon, towards this organization that struggles for universal peace.

To achieve peace, obviously, we first have to achieve justice and well-being in the daily life of each citizen, of each people. Dr. Moon and his wife, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, have been ceaselessly struggling to achieve these goals: that people can live better in their families, in their homes, as citizens. Both Dr. Moon and his wife were born in North Korea and seeing the reality of their country, they were always pursuing the reunification of the Korean peninsula. They have been constantly struggling for universal peace on each continent. There is no country where UPF is not present, not only working in each of the social sectors to deal with the problems of people—social groups, children, women, the elderly, attending to their needs—but also holding national and international meetings where it is discussed how the situation and life in each of the countries can be improved to finally achieve peace. This work is not only done as a private organization worldwide, but in a coordinated manner with the United Nations, with which it has very close ties.

In addition, it is related with other world organizations to achieve peace in each country, countries where torture, wars, human rights violations, mistreatment of women, rape, misery, poverty, discrimination still exist. The Universal Peace Federation works to eradicate all these problems. For that reason, I would also like to send my greetings to Dr. Trevor Jones and his wife Faith, who do an excellent job here in Peru. They are well organized, trying to help people by holding meetings to encourage more ambassadors to join who can achieve peace, provide help and serve others from the place where they work. This is UPF’s ultimate goal: to serve others in each of their needs, to be able to contribute to meet those needs, solve those problems.

That is why I would like to reaffirm my warmest greetings to Dr. Moon, congratulating her for her great book that has been published worldwide where she recounts the work she does, relates the struggles she has, recounts the struggles of Rev. Moon and also tells, after all, of that great work that they have left to us, the Universal Peace Federation, which does so much good in each of the countries and which tries to achieve a much better country.

May God bless you. May we continue to achieve world peace in 2022 with our new strategies, the peace that humankind needs. Let’s go forward!



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