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H. Green: Address to World Summit 2022, Session VI

Address to World Summit
February 11-13, 2022


My dear fellow members of the human family, we are gathered together today for an honorable task: that is, to fulfill the dreams, aspirations and work of Rev. Sun Myung Moon. For me and my family they are referred to fondly as Father Moon and Mother Moon. Their task has been and continues to be world peace, but more particularly to secure peace in the Korean peninsula. This is a noble task, particularly as one looks at the background of the division in Korea. At the end of the difficult, stressful World War II in 1945, the Korean people were under the heels of the steel management of the Japanese. The Japanese were defeated and at the hands of the superpowers, beloved Korea was divided into the north and south.

Even though in October 1945, the United Nations was formed to establish peace in the world, it did not work. And only through the theology, the wisdom, and the perspicacity of Father Moon, can we recognize the only answer, the only solution to bring peace to a troubled world. To bring peace, we need to ignore the mantra of a famous European leader who postulated that the best way to preserve peace is to be prepared for war. That has never worked. Father Moon has taught us to be kind to each other, to treat one’s brother as one treats himself. In other words, what Father Moon has argued is to change our attitude to life.

This is what this conference is there to do, to change our responses to a very bellicose war. Because no one can deny the fact that after 1945, which took the lives of 70-odd million human beings, the world has been troubled with fighting: Vietnam, Korea and in every theater of operation in our world. You know why? Because the world leaders will not listen to the words of Rev. Sun Myung Moon. I ask, therefore, that at this conference, we seek to do what we can, wherever we live, north, south, east or west, in the hamlets, in the towns, on the countryside, to prevail upon our families, our communities, to listen to the wisdom of Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

If that penetrates, if that saturates the world, we can be sure of a peaceful world, not only on the Korean peninsula, but the world in which we live. Unless we have peace, we cannot share the bounty of God’s gift to us. This has been the challenge of leaders all over the world. We can discuss the various treaties, but it has never worked. When the great leaders met in Potsdam and Yalta in 1945 to bring peace to the world, it did not work.

Let us, therefore, at this conference make a giant step forward to make the Korean peninsula a peaceful place.



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