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R. R. Gaona: Address to World Summit 2022, Session VI

Address to World Summit
February 11-13, 2022


As Bishop and Patriarch of the Christian Catholic Apostolic Church Paraguay and President of the Latin American Forum of Religious Leaders for Interreligious Dialogue for Peace, I would like to start by expressing my thanks for the convening of the 2022 World Summit and addressing the important topic of: “Reconciliation and Peace on the Korean Peninsula.”

My most sincere gratitude to the Founder and Hostess of UPF, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, our Mother of Peace, and Rev. Moon who together paved this road for unity and peace in the world. I also thank the co-chairs, H.E. Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen of the Kingdom of Cambodia, and H.E. Ban Ki-moon, former Secretary General of the United Nations.

Continuing to work on building a world of peace is especially important at a time when international relations are tense and threatened on many frontlines, including today in our nations due to the pandemic, the international conflict between nations, climate change, poverty, family breakdown, etc.

Peace on the Korean peninsula is of great importance. If we can achieve peace between two sister nations, it will give hope that peace can be established worldwide. The steps we take to create a breakthrough for peace on the Korean peninsula can be imitated by other nations. The situation on the Korean Peninsula is complicated by the geopolitical competition between the superpowers, not only during the Cold War of the 20th century but even today. We must work from our places where God has appointed us to be Messengers of Peace, not only through traditional Track I diplomacy, but also through a wide range of approaches to achieve peace, above all by crying out to God, and also by Track II which involves civil society, interreligious dialogue, trade, humanitarian aid, cultural exchange, tourism, an education of the culture of peace and sincere reconciliation.

It is important that all of us—religious, civil, military leaders—become aware of our participation in the construction of dialogue and reconciliation to build peace between the brothers and sisters of different races, cultures and languages. May the Supreme Being make us instruments of his peace.

As a leader of the religious sector and a tireless worker of interreligious dialogue, I believe that it is time to put into practice the teachings of Rev. Moon where he says that “Religions must live for the sake of humanity and its Creator, more than for themselves.”

Therefore, I urge all my colleagues to strengthen the work of the Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD) of UPF.

Thank you very much and may God and his Son Jesus Christ bless you. Amen.



To go to the World Summit 2022 Schedule page, click here.