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H. Sen: Address to Summit 2022, Session III

Address to Summit 2022 and Leadership Conference,
Seoul, Korea, August 11-15, 2022


I wish to congratulate the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) on its remarkable achievements in promoting a global culture of peace and tolerance under the committed visionary and wise leadership of Dr. Yun Young-ho, led and inspired by the wisdom of the UPF co-founders, Hon. Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon and the late Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon.

In the context of increasing fluidity and volatility of international politics and security, a global peace movement such as the UPF is extremely essential. I, therefore, commend and encourage UPF members to unswervingly pursue their peace mission.

The World Summit in February 2022 was a significant milestone in our collective, multilateral efforts to promote peace on the Korean Peninsula and in the world. I was honored to co-chair the Summit with former UN Secretary-General His Excellency Ban Ki-moon and UPF co-founder Hon. Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon. Our next step is to work together to effectively implement the Seoul Resolution 2022.

Taking this opportunity, I call upon distinguished delegates to work together to realize the Seoul Resolution 2022, including the implementation of the "Two States Toward One Nation: One Peninsula, One People, One Culture" initiative, the development of the Universal Peace Charter, and the formation of a practical roadmap toward the realization of the Asia Pacific Union.

In addition to the M4P2 in principle—which refers to mutual respect, mutual understanding, mutual assistance, and mutual interest for peace and prosperity—I would suggest the M4P2 in practice—which is the promotion of multilateralism, multisectoral collaborations, multilayered partnership building, and multifaith for practicality and proactivity.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to express my deep respect and gratitude to the late Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon for having devoted his entire life and resources to uniting the world for peace and prosperity. I wish the delegates good health and success in all your endeavors to secure peace for the world.

Sincerely, HUN SEN



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