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D. Quayle: Address to Summit 2022, Session III

Address to Summit 2022 and Leadership Conference,
Seoul, Korea, August 11-15, 2022


Distinguished leaders, heads of state, members of parliament and religious leaders from around the world. Thank you for being here and thank you for the honor of speaking with you today.

My friends, I wish to share a few thoughts with you today about coming together for peace. 

Consider the value of our families. Family is so important: your mother, your father, your brothers and sisters, extended family, aunts, uncles, friends. Family is everything. That is why I support one of the main themes of UPF, that we are One Family Under God.

How important is Faith? It is the most essential value to have. In times of challenge and turmoil like today, it is a good thing for us to call upon the Almighty to guide us forward.

Through diplomacy and all nations working together, we can bring a peaceful resolution to Korea. The DMZ will be a gateway for Korea’s new destiny of peace, freedom, unity and happiness. And the work of Mother Moon, UPF, and all of you who are here today will play an essential and decisive role.

No matter our race, religion, nationality or political views, when we come together, we serve a greater good. As I think Dr. Moon likes to say, “If we live for the sake of others, even the most critical challenges can be solved.”



To go to the World Summit 2022 Schedule page, click here.