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N. Mumba: Address to Summit 2022, Session IVc

Address to Summit 2022 and Leadership Conference,
Seoul, Korea, August 11-15, 2022


Mr. Chairman, distinguished ambassadors for peace, I bring fraternal greetings from the leadership and people of Zambia to the people of South Korea and all delegates from around the world gathered here in Seoul, Korea.

Allow me to express, on behalf of my President and the Zambian people our deepest condolences to the Japanese people on the loss of Prime Minister Abe in one of the most gruesome assassinations in recent history. We share the pain.


The religious and spiritual community is God’s moral force for good in society. It is the light in darkness. It is also called, the salt of the earth. The idea of salt presumes that spirituality must be infused into the fabric of governance, in order for it to add taste and value to society. 

The values that held society together in past generations are greatly compromised today. Morality and integrity are no longer the guide and light of our world.

The ironic belief that people of faith should not be involved in politics has contributed greatly to the breakdown in values like justice, peace and the respect of human rights.

The church and the religious community at large should not only pray for those in authority but must aspire to be in authority in order to infuse godly values into society. 

Unfortunately, history has forged a lie that men and women of faith must not aspire for political office as this is beneath them. It is this notorious belief that has left most of Africa in its current state of social and economic devastation. 

A good tree yields good fruit and a bad tree yields bad fruit. Godly leaders will promote godliness and ungodly leaders shall promote ungodliness. This is the unchangeable principle of life. The Bible sums it up in these words, “You reap what you sow.” Africa needs to invest in good leadership.

State of Africa

Africa is without contest the richest continent on earth. It’s natural resources are vast. It’s mostly young population is in the excess of 1.4 billion. The drums of Africa’s moment to take its number one spot on the global stage are sounding louder by the day. In this regard, I wish to agree with the prediction of our True Mother Dr Hak Ja Han Moon during her last tour of Africa, when she declared that, “Africa’s unfair colonial history shall not stand in the way of taking her leadership role in the world.” 

With its resources and its most resilient people, it is evident that this day of jubilee for Africa is closer than it has ever been.

But to achieve this, Africa must do some housekeeping business. Firstly, it must invest in leadership of morality and integrity. Secondly, Africa must create and strengthen institutions of governance, and thirdly, Africa must unite and speak as one voice.


The answer to the paradox of a rich continent against a poor population hangs on the morality and integrity of its leaders. Until we find a way of raising, supporting and installing God fearing leaders, the vast resources of Africa will continue to be wasted through greed and corruption.

The deliberate exclusion of men and women of faith from participating in politics robs the continent of capable and quality leadership which can turn the fortunes of the continent around. The doctrine that politics and religion don’t mix remains responsible for the continuous plunder of Africa’s natural resources. When these candidates of faith put their names forward to aspire for political office, they face the same challenge of not enough support to compete favorably against those who have no regard for godly values. The religious community in Africa must therefore change its belief and encourage men and women of faith to take up political leadership roles in order to equitably distribute the resources of the continent.


African nations must create and strengthen the institutions of government in order to promote the rule of law. Dictatorships and cronyism have in the past destroyed the infrastructure on which an equitable and fair society can operate. The judicial systems, the legislature have in some cases been used as instruments of the parties in power and only respond to the dictates of those in power. Nations without strong governance systems and institutions can never rise.

Most African countries have suffered from a lack of order and systems upon which they can hang success. This is what we as Africans must fix together. It is true that institutions alone do not solve all of our challenges, but good people serving in these institutions do.


The unity of Africa is cardinal in overcoming poverty and conflicts. The unity of Africa will create a strong economic and social block which cannot be manipulated. The vast resources of Africa must first benefit the African people. But for this to happen, the religious and spiritual leaders must start to think beyond their individual religious organizations.

The Universal Peace Federation, UPF remains the unparalleled world organization that has crossed denominational and religious barriers to create a new spiritual symphony across denominations. It is this symphony that shall unite the Church in Africa and give it a United voice.


It is this united voice that we must take to the African Union. It is this united voice that shall reshape Africa into a more secure and prosperous continent. To be heard or respected by the African Union, the voice of religious leaders must be united and strong.

The Interreligious Association for Peace and Development, IAPD is equal to the task in facilitating this unity of the religious community on the African Continent.

Africa stands unstoppable if united and when we place a premium on the leaders we put into political office.

May the peace of God rule in our hearts and in our continent.

I thank you.



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