Address to Summit 2022 and Leadership Conference,
Seoul, Korea, August 11-15, 2022
The following outline is the PowerPoint presentation given by Dr. Keun-Sik Kim. Contact the IAAP International (International Association of Academicians for Peace) for further discussion or questions about the lecture.
Northeast Asian Order and Peaceful Unification of the Korean Peninsula: Situations and Strategies
- The New Cold War Era and the Need to Recognize Strategic Situations
- Change of Situation in Northeast Asia: New Cold War and U.S.-China Relations
- Changes in North Korea’s Strategy
- Situation Changes and the Need to Change Our Strategy
- Development of History
- The New Cold War Era and the Need to Recognize Strategic Situations
■ The Importance of Strategy: Leader’s Virtue
- Lee Seung Man’s Foundation, Moon Sun Myung’s meeting with Gorbachev and Kim Il-sung, and
Kim Dae-jung’s Inter-Korean Summit
■ The Situation in Northeast Asia during the New Cold War and the Need for a Strategy on the Unification
of the Korean Peninsula
- U.S.-China strategic supremacy competition
- North Korea’s strategic change
- The conditions and conditions of reunification on the Korean Peninsula
- Change of Situation in Northeast Asia: New Cold War and U.S.-China Relations
■ Power Transition Theory and U.S.-China Relations
- Orders of Northeast Asia and U.S.-China Relations: Post-Cold War and New Cold War
- Prospects of Northeast Asia: Pessimism and Optimism
- The Power Transition Theory and the Trap of Thukydides
■ China’s Diplomatic Strategy
- Hide Your Strength and Bide Your Time (韜光養晦), Peaceful rising (和平崛起), Drive Position (主動作爲)
- New type of great power relations (新形大國關係)
■ U.S. Strategy Toward China
- Pivot to Asia
- Rebalancing
■ U.S.-China Hegemonic Competition and Order of Northeast Asia
- Conflict between East China Sea and South China Sea
- Belt and Road Initiative and the Indo-Pacific Strategy
- Global Supply Chain and Standard war in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
- Competition between U.S.-China without retreat
- Changes in North Korea’s Strategy
■ Changes in strategy for the United States: The dependence on the U.S. for security →
An optional parallel strategy that combines its dependence on security between the U.S and China
■ Changes in strategy for South Korea: The economic dependence on South Korea →
Two Koreas policy
■ Changes in Nuclear Strategy: Kim Jong-un abandoned Denuclearization
- Situation Changes and the Need to Change Our Strategy
■ The Interaction between Objective Situation Change and Subjective Strategy Change
■ The need to change the paradigm of policies related to North Korea and unification strategies
- Absorption-based unification as the essence of unification (co-righteousness)
- Unification as a peaceful process (co-living)
- Peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula as the core of peace and prosperity
in Northeast Asia (co-prosperity)
- U.S.-China Strategic Competition and Change of North Korea: End of Tunnel?
- Development of History
- Facing realistic changes of the objective situation
- Overcoming the mechanical restoration and the wishful thinking trapped
in caves in the past
- Recognizing objective situations and preparing for independent responses
drive the development of history
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