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L.Y. Moon: Address to Summit 2022, Session VIIIa

Address to Summit 2022 and Leadership Conference,
Seoul, Korea, August 11-15, 2022


Respected leaders, good afternoon.

I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for this opportunity to share the vision and activities of the Women’s Federation for World Peace, WFWP, at this important forum to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the cosmic ascension of Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

As you may know, WFWP was founded by Rev. Moon and his wife, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, in April 1992, at the Seoul Olympic Stadium in Korea. On that occasion, they proclaimed the “Era of Women of the World” in the presence of 150,000 women representing 70 nations.

In his congratulatory message, Rev. Moon emphasized that the women of this age have to be the true champions who can end the history of war, violence, crime and oppression which has been led by men. He encouraged women leaders to open new pathways to true peace, love and freedom by implementing the concepts of a God-centered life.

Dr. Moon, in her keynote address, “The Unified World and Human Responsibility,” explained the ideal tradition of a true man and true woman, which she and her husband had pioneered as True Father and True Mother.

She encouraged women from around the world to strive to practice the roles of “true daughter, true wife and true mother” in their own lives, and at the same time, to lead a campaign for world peace by developing a worldwide movement practicing true love.   

Following that event, Dr. Moon carried out an ambitious speaking tour all over the world. Upon this foundation, in September 1993, Dr. Moon was invited to speak at the United Nations headquarters in New York. The next year, WFWP’s advocacy was instrumental in persuading the U.S. government to designate the fourth Sunday of July as Parents’ Day.  

In practical terms, WFWP’s goals are: First, to promote international networking through a movement for world peace, centered on UN NGO activities. Second, to raise women leaders who can take responsibility for advancing true family ethics and world peace. Third, to promote reconciliation and reunification between North and South Korea. And fourth, to participate in international relief efforts and volunteer services to promote sustainable development.

In 1994, Rev. and Dr. Moon dispatched 1,600 Japanese women volunteers, sending 10 to each of the 160 countries. These dedicated women set up various health and medical programs, vocational schools and educational institutions, especially in Africa, Asia and South America. Now WFWP is managing 110 projects in 49 nations.

We strive to bring the heart of a mother to all our fieldwork, transcending national, religious and racial barriers for the sake of the children of the global village. We raise up local women by strengthening their capabilities and enhancing their confidence and self-reliance.

The UN recognized WFWP’s worldwide activities by granting us consultative status with its Economic and Social Council, ECOSOC, in May 1997. This has enabled us to engage in international programs with UN organizations. Many of our projects align with the Sustainable Development Goals.

For many years, WFWP Korea has been inviting social leaders to participate in seminars on the Principles of Peace. They begin with God’s ideal of creation and the principles of world peace and harmony based on the teachings of Rev. and Dr. Moon.

In the year 2000, WFWP began hosting World Leaders’ Workshops to strengthen our global organization and unite our women leaders. At these events, we plan activities, set goals and seek ways to support each other through our global network. In this way we strive to nurture future global peace leaders.

One of WFWP’s signature activities is our Sisterhood Ceremony, which connects women of different nationalities through a “Bridge of Peace.” As of today, we have connected 160,000 Japanese ladies with Korean sisters and 50,000 Japanese with American sisters. We have also paired black and white women in the United States, as well as other women of different religions, of different races, and from different continents, in order to foster understanding and empathy between diverse groups. Every time we hold the Sisterhood Ceremony, we witness touching encounters as the women embrace each other, sometimes with tears, sometimes with laughter, at the center of the Bridge of Peace.

Another key project of WFWP takes place in the Middle East, which is well known for historical conflict. In 1997, we initiated the Middle East Women’s Peace Conference to facilitate communication and reconciliation among women from different national and religious backgrounds. Upon this foundation, we were able to gather tens of thousands of people in Jerusalem to pray for peace. Muslim and Jewish representatives were supported by Christian and even Buddhist participants, who marched through the streets of Jerusalem and prayed together at the Wailing Wall. Such a thing is possible when women unite based on their motherly hearts. Another challenge we face is the division of the Korean Peninsula, which remains a deep and agonizing problem for all Korean people. It is natural for women to play a part in resolving this painful issue. WFWP Korea has been working to promote reunification by arranging exchanges between North and South Korean women and offering support to our sisters across the border, and their families, in whatever ways we can.  

During my first visit to North Korea in 2001, I felt deep sympathy and sorrow at witnessing the hardships of the people there. So, I initiated the “One Percent Love Share Project to North Korea,” which encourages South Koreans to support North Korean women and children by providing them with necessities, such as clothing and school supplies.

We later expanded this initiative to the global level to support projects, such as building schools and libraries, in underdeveloped countries.

One exchange program between North and South Korea we held was the International Women’s Convention for Peaceful Reunification at Mt. Kumgang in North Korea in October 2007. It was the first international women’s gathering that took place in North Korea since World War II. The event provided us an opportunity to share with North Korean women our vision of peaceful reunification based on motherly and sisterly love.

On July 16, 2012, Rev. and Dr. Moon held the founding rally for the “Abel Women’s UN.” Actually, it was Rev. Moon’s last landmark event on earth before his ascension.

It brought 12,000 women leaders from 158 nations to the Cheongshim World Peace Center in Korea. These women determined to unite and work together through the Global Women’s Peace Network (GWPN) to promote healing, reconciliation and forgiveness as solutions to conflict and war; overcome hatred; and break down the walls between people built by ignorance, religious bigotry and racial prejudice.

One of the goals of this network is to promote the peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula through international cooperation among women leaders. It is our conviction that our motherly hearts empower us to understand and accommodate different perspectives and find practical solutions to complex problems.

The GWPN is currently active in every continent, serving our communities and striving to write a new history of peace, or, as we like to say, a new “herstory.”

Finally, I would like to introduce a unique WFWP initiative that brings together a powerful group of women whose voices can have real impact in the pursuit of peace. This is the International Association of First Ladies for Peace (IAFLP). The inaugural assembly of the IAFLP was held during the World Summit 2022 in Korea.

The courage and determination of these outstanding women will surely lend momentum to our efforts to break down the barriers to peace.

This year, 2022, WFWP celebrated its 30th anniversary. Members from all over the world sent their deep love and respect to our co-founders, Rev. and Dr. Moon. We all strongly determined to stand at the forefront in advocating true family values, building model families, and promoting a culture and society that recognizes and respects all people as members of one global family. And we will fulfill our filial duty by returning happiness to our founders and our Heavenly Parent.

Thank you for your kind attention.



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