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G. Shipov: Address to Summit 2022, Session IXa

Address to Summit 2022 and Leadership Conference,
Seoul, Korea, August 11-15, 2022


The theory of physical vacuum was formulated in Russia in 1988. It is the first scientific theory that enables us to indirectly prove the existence of God. It is, in principle, impossible to directly prove the existence of God using scientific methods.

The formulae constituting an overall analysis of the theory of physical vacuum start at the top right and ends at the bottom of this slide. Solving them reveals that there are three realms of existence based on three types of causality: The first is classical causality, in which the cause comes first, followed by the result. The second is supercausality, where the result comes first, and the cause is observed afterward. The third is hypercausality, whereby the cause and the effect are observed simultaneously.

Classical causality describes the movement of positive mass and energy at speeds less than or equal to the speed of light. Supercausality describes the motion of imaginary mass or energy at velocities greater than the speed of light—namely tachyons, which travel backwards in time. Hypercausality describes the translation of objects without transference of energy at infinite speed. These objects are certain classes of neutrinos, which only transfer spin information without transferring any energy.

The first time an indirect proof of God’s existence was mentioned was by Albert Einstein in his 1930 article, “Religion and Science,” in the Berlin Daily newspaper. He had met with the famous Indian philosopher and religionist Rabindranath Tagore. Einstein held that, if God exists, then violations of the classical principle of causality should be observed. In practice, in order for God to exercise operative control and instantaneous response from any point in the universe, God would have to use instantaneous, hyperluminal signals. These would operate in the realm of supercausality and hypercausality. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Him to wield instantaneous influence on events and processes throughout the universe.

Faster-than-light signals from stars have been detected three times by three astronomical observatories in Russia. In 1976, by Prof. Nikolay Kozyrev, who was working at the Pulkovo Observatory in Pulkovo; 1990, by Michael Lavrentyev and his colleagues in Novosibirsk; and 1992, by Anatoly Akimov in the Crimea. The experimental setup was suggested by Prof. Kozyrev. In each of the many experimental trials that were conducted, the following properties were observed in signals emanating from stars: First, signal velocity exceeded the speed of light and second, the signals consisted of superpenetrative neutrinos, which passed through material that blocks normal light. The physical nature of the signals is still unknown. The source or cause of the signals is unknown. Moreover, in each case, there is a phantom signal emanating from the future position of the star. From our viewpoint, this phenomenon indicates that super- and hypercausality exists.

Since ancient times, we have known about psychophysical phenomena, such as when a person in an altered state of consciousness is able to travel into the future or the past and instantly travel spatially across an immense distance. The equations of the theory of physical vacuum enable us to describe such phenomenon, where a person in an altered state of consciousness is identified as a psychophysical observer. Such an observer views reality in a much broader scope than a physical observer studying phenomena in the material world. Yakov Terletskiy developed a theorem that a psychophysical observer would be able to scientifically study phenomena that reveal supercausality and hypercausality. Terletskiy’s theorem points out that demonstrating supercausality opens the possibility of hypercausality, and vice versa. Thus, supercausality and hypercausality are linked to human consciousness. In this way, the theory of physical vacuum unites physical and psychophysical observers, and achieves a step toward the unification of science and religion upon a scientific foundation. Indeed, since ancient times religion has been making use of spiritually gifted people to testify to psychophysical events.

It is well known that the vacuum possesses energy of vibration even at its zero state, the so-called “zero-point energy.” This energy permeates all material objects and all other possible things and systems in the universe. Therefore, by principle, there can be no such thing as a closed system in the theory of physical vacuum. In 1955, American physicist Willis Lamb received the Nobel Prize for elaborating the theoretical basis for the zero-point energy through his study of the hydrogen atom. Careful accounting of the energy balance shows that the total energy constantly being added from the physical vacuum to the system of the hydrogen atom, which is found throughout the human body, amounts to about 3,000 joules per second or about 1 watt of steady power per hour for a person weighing 70 kilograms. Our best present supposition is that this energy manifests as a person’s aura.

It would not be inappropriate to call this zero-point energy the “energy of God.” Over a century ago, the Supreme Reason sent down to us here on earth the knowledge of how to use this energy for the benefit of humankind. The following are some examples of generators that have been created that draw upon the zero-point energy. In 1931, in the United States, Nikola Tesla installed an electromotor to power an automobile, using the zero-point energy as its source of power. Journalists watched him cruising around at speeds of up to 150 kilometers. per hour for a week. In 1978, in Switzerland, Paul Baumann built a zero-point energy generator. Presently, the power produced by his generators totals 750 kilowatts. For almost 40 years his contraptions have been furnishing electric power to the hotels in his town of Linden, Switzerland. And in 2022, in Ireland, researcher Robert Holcomb began lighting and heating several buildings with a zero-point-energy generator. He wrote a message to all mankind: “I call upon the people of our world to pave the way for our leaders: Let us send all these fossil fuels we’ve been excavating to the annals of history, and gift clean sources of energy to our world that is so urgently in need of it today!”

At this present time, there is ample theoretical understanding and experimental evidence in our hands here on earth to present indirect proof of the existence of God who is making every effort to save us from impending catastrophe.

Thank you for your sincere attention.



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