Address to Peace Summit 2023
May 2-5, 2023
If religion was created by men, then spirituality should lead. If our brothers and sisters in this building, politicians, leaders, could be led by spirituality, then there would be no homeless people.
I would like to start by commending True Mother, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, for hosting us here in Korea. True Mother’s concern and heart for peace is undeniable. I’m deeply grateful that she has directed us to work together within the IAPD for the restoration and reinforcement of spirituality in Africa. So far I hosted one gathering on February 12, 2023, in Johannesburg. Bishop Dr. Emmah Gospel Isong hosted the other one in Calabar, Nigeria. I believe that you have seen the pictures. The next is planned for the 28th of this month in DRC Congo, Africa.
Spirituality is creating a momentum that will soon be felt all over the African continent and further. True Mother knows very well that true sustainable development can only come on the foundation of spirituality. The Mother of Peace wants to capitalize on African spirituality to show a new model of true development that can be expanded to the whole world.
There is no African restoration at any level without restoring its spirituality and spiritual guidance. As human beings, what differentiates us from other creatures is our mind or spirit. That is why UPF’s second principle of peace stipulates that the highest qualities of the human being are spiritual and moral by nature. Human beings long for truth, beauty and goodness. Life’s deepest meaning and purpose can be found through the pursuit of these values. Each person has an internal spirit that transcends physical life. Spiritual principles are to be practiced in this life as preparation for the world of eternity.
First, as humans, we cannot live like animals, eating and having fun with no concern for our spiritual needs. We need to live in harmony with Umfi Kagalu, our Creator Allah God, striving to understand and fulfill his divine will.
Second, we need to live with the consciousness that there is life beyond this one and there we will be accountable as to how we spent our earthly life. As Africans, we know that our ancestors are not dead; they are alive. They are present and intervene in our daily lives, in good or bad, depending on how we are living our lives here on earth. They act as spiritual guides or angels, helping us in living a meaningful life.
Third, we need to live purposeful lives. We are created to fulfill three main goals in life, which are mature character, good family relationships through the practice of Ubuntu, and contribution to society. Mature character refers to personal development through self-control, learning to master my physical and personal desires for the sake of others and a greater good before seeking to dominate the universe. First, perfect your ability to dominate yourself. Father Moon said this means that we must learn to control our desires and emotions as a way to practice goodness. Our people need to resist selfish individualism and revert to African traditional life of Ubuntu. Ubuntu, for those who don’t know, means “I am what I am because of who we all are,” in a communal life where we share everything and help one another. Ubuntu is one of the many attributes of African indigenous spirituality that truly defines and has shaped us as African indigenous people. There is an African saying, “It takes a village to raise a child,” which is a testimony to this spirit of Ubuntu. Living for the sake of others is the key to establishing a world of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values.
Ubuntu dictates good and proper relationships between parent and children, brothers and sisters, husband and wife, knowing that the family is the school of love and peace. What we learn in the family is then taken to society and nation and eventually the world. Contribution to society refers to how I use my school education to acquire skills that will be helpful in leaving a legacy for the future, that is, to become a good and responsible citizen.
Fourth, we need to live in harmony with nature. Nature is a great teacher. As we develop our spirituality, nature is key. That’s why most of the time, Reverend Camara, you can’t find me. I’m on the mountain dealing with nature. We can learn a lot from the birds, insects, domestic and wild animals, et cetera. And by the way, that is why in ancient times, in most cultures, we would wear animal skin, which maybe you can see on my forehead as well, because it is our relationship with nature, and it is the meaning of those animals that is translated to spirituality. For all those who are constantly asking me, what does this mean? It is the relationship with the leopard.
The leopard is an animal that is very powerful, but it lives among the trees. It is not arrogant like the lion who rose like the king, but the real king is the leopard who is silent among the trees. It symbolizes royalty and it symbolizes strength and spirituality. It symbolizes the angel. An angel is not arrogant. An angel is quiet. He cannot be seen, but is very powerful. Each natural phenomenon like a sunrise or sunset, water flowing, birds singing, a falling leaf, etc. has a meaning for spiritually sensitive people. We need to learn to love nature. I can understand a message from my spiritual guides just by seeing the way a candle is burning or feeling the way the wind is blowing, even seeing the way a leaf is falling in front of me.
All spiritually inclined people always have a special relationship of love with nature. The modern lifestyle with weaponization does not allow us to have such experiences. Father Moon in his memoir said children these days are raised in urban areas and don’t have opportunities to become familiar with nature. But developing sensitivity to nature is actually more important than developing our knowledge. What is the purpose of providing a university education to a child who cannot feel nature in his bosom and whose sensitivities are all dull?
The person separated from nature can gather book knowledge here and there and then easily become an individualistic person who worships material goods. Personally, I always love to be at the sea, climb a mountain, et cetera. I have regular times when I go to the mountains or the sea every year. This is where I get inspiration and my revelations. Spirituality is about having a constant consciousness of the divine, the presence of our ancestors, angels or spiritual guides, living a purposeful and meaningful life, finding meaning in everything, including the most trivial, and living in harmony with nature. Spirituality is pervasive. It permeates every aspect of our life. Spirituality is beyond religion as we know it today. While religion today seems too formal and restrictive, spirituality is a way of life and it provides freedom. In spirituality, everything is sacred. Spirituality informs everything in traditional African society, including politics, arts, culture, religion, economics, health, eating, work, dress, marriage and death. I implore my people to seek wisdom from African indigenous spirituality and follow it.
Religion itself must seek wisdom from spirituality. Let us not forget, my brothers and sisters, that religion is a tradition and expression of spirituality. Thus, religion will not achieve its goal of guiding humanity without spirituality, a life-giving source. If we all follow the right order and allow spirituality to take its leading position, then Africa and the world shall rise. Let us all see how we can help our people see the light at the end of the tunnel. As spiritual and religious leaders, True Mother is giving us through IAPD and African spirituality the tools to help change Africa and the world. The foundation of everything is spirituality. Spirituality shapes and gives meaning to the values we uphold. Politicians, religious leaders, business owners, leaders of social organizations and members of all of society should all drink from the spirituality fountain. Everything begins and should end with spirituality. The future of Africa and the world in general is in our hands. I pray for the success of our mission. May spirituality lead.
God bless you and all your families. I thank you. Thank you for your attention.
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