Address to Peace Summit 2023
May 2-5, 2023
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. It’s my pleasure to be addressing you today. My topic is on peace and development. As we know, peace and development go hand in hand and no society or country can develop without peace. Peace and development are very pertinent in today’s world.
As we all know, there is only one world and we are interconnected. We all look forward to a peaceful society and a developed society. Peace is the greatest weapon for development that any person, society and country can have. Simply put, there can be no development if there is no peace. Peace is a key component of sustainable development. Meaning, if there is peace, then there is development.
As we know, a healthy business environment is pertinent for any development. In conflict-ridden communities, businesses are disturbed due to the prevalence of social problems such as poverty, hunger and inequality. In the absence of peace, education and health structures break down, infrastructure disintegrates, and legal commerce is crippled. Peace also frees up resources, both financial and human, that would otherwise be diverted to controlling violence. So, to have development, a healthy and peaceful society is a significant tool. As United Nations development programs say, without peace there can be no development and without development there cannot be peace.
The main factors behind peace—the pillars of positive peace—are a well-functioning government, sound business environment, equitable distribution of resources, acceptance of the rights of others, good relations with neighbors, free flow of information and a high level of human capital. If these are achieved, there can be positive development. Peace can be taught from the beginning to the young generation since they carry the future on their shoulders. Studies that focus on peace can equip students with the knowledge to understand the causes of violent conflict, develop nonviolent ways of addressing violence, and build peaceful and just societies.
Moreover, development intervention can also directly contribute towards restoring peace through conflict resolution and management. By providing neutral space for interaction, positive outlets and mechanisms for cooperation, or by providing nonviolent means to work together and address contentious issues, alternatives to conflict can be demonstrated. Peace and development go hand in hand, whether the state or development partners need to focus on restoring peace through equitable development projects or whether peace must first be restored in the region so that feasible development work is implemented.
A spirit of peace within us enables us to see things in a better light. Peace enriches our communities and individual lives as it directs us to embrace diversity and support one another to the fullest.
A great danger facing humankind is the threat of nuclear destruction. We know that in the event of nuclear war there will be no victory because there will be no survivors. It is frightening just to contemplate such inhuman and heartless destruction. As one family, people seek peace. That’s why it is necessary to develop a sense of universal responsibility, a deep concern for all, irrespective of creed, color, gender or nationality. To be born a human being is a unique event in itself and it is wise to use this opportunity as effectively and skillfully as possible, so that the happiness or glory of one person or group is not sought at the expense of others. The world is becoming smaller and smaller, more and more interdependent. In ancient times, problems were mostly family size and they were naturally tackled at the family level. But the situation has changed. Today we really are part of one big human family.
The global population is increasing and our resources are being rapidly depleted with adverse effects on our climate due to massive deforestation. People have to rise above selfish interest and think of the entire human family of Earth and the long-term effects on universal life as a whole. Otherwise, we cannot hope to overcome the danger to our existence, let alone bring about peace and development.
If we of the present generation do not think about these issues now, future generations may not be able to cope with them. Our lives are in constant flux, bringing many difficulties. When faced with a calm and clear mind, problems can be successfully resolved. If instead we lose control over our minds, through hatred, selfishness, jealousy and anger, we lose our sense of judgment and our minds are blinded. In those wild moments anything can happen, including war. Peace is useful to all, especially to those responsible for running national affairs, in whose hands lie the power and opportunity to create the structure of world peace and development. Hatred and violence always produce misery and thus are essentially counterproductive. This global summit can play a vital role for bringing world peace. All nations are economically dependent upon one another more than ever before. Human understanding must go beyond national boundaries and embrace the international community at large. People in poorer countries should not be denied peace and development.
The achievement of justice, harmony and peace depends on many factors, whether one believes in God or Karma. Ethics is the foundation of every religion. Human qualities such as morality, compassion, decency and wisdom have been the foundation of all civilization. For future generations we must combine and humanize economic development with peace and spiritual growth to unite us all as a single family on this planet.
All the great teachers and the different religions of the world enrich human experience and world civilization. Humanity needs all the great teachings of teachers and world religions to suit the ways of life, diverse spiritual needs and inherited national traditions of individual human beings.
Ladies and gentlemen, this global Peace Summit plays a great role in peace and development. Please take a message of peace and development with you to your country.
Thank you very much.
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