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I. Radebe: Address to Summit 2022, Session I

Address to Summit 2022 and Leadership Conference,
Seoul, Korea, August 11-15, 2022


Prayer: Our creator, we offer a prayer this afternoon on this occasion where all leaders come to meet here in South Korea. There’s so much going on in this world, so much wrong going on in this world, because we have left the fountain of spirituality and we began to drink in all other places that do not provide solutions or wisdom. We pray as leaders, spiritual and religious leaders, traditional leaders, politicians, for all those who are providing leadership. May their eyes be opened and begin to go back to the well of spirituality and start drinking from spirituality so that we may have wisdom to lead our nations and our people. Through the foundation of true spirituality, we pray that the world will find wisdom and direction. May all the discussions that will take place be fruitful and prosperous so that when we leave this place and go back to our own countries to lead, we may offer the solution that this world needs. May we provide the solution that this world needs so that we can have a better world, a peaceful world so that our children and generations to come may find a peaceful and a better world. We pray for Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, the Mother of Peace, for the hard work that she is doing for the glory of humanity. She has brought us all together. We pray for health and strength and more wisdom, and that you may lead us. We ask all of this to our Creator who has created us. We thank you. We believe that when we go back we’ll never be the same and we will have a strong impact in all four corners of this world and this world may change. Thank you. Aju.



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