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S.M. Moon: Address to the World Summit on Peace, January 2009


Excerpts of Address to the World Summit on Peace

New York, USA, January 31, 2009

This is the “era of revolutionary change after the coming of heaven,” when people will no longer be beyond the influence of heavenly law. We must lead transparent lives of goodness with our every action being as clear as a crystal. We must accomplish a “pure love revolution” by educating all people about the value of absolute sexual ethic centered on God, our heavenly parent. This is the only way to pass on the lineage of goodness to all of humankind, and the path to achieving God’s ideal of true families.

We will eliminate the walls and barriers that divide this earth and reinstate harmony and peace between political parties, religions, races, cultures and nations. The United Nations should become elevated to a higher dimension and become a “Peace UN.” War, disease, hunger, and all other problems confronting the world will be resolved. Self-centeredness will be completely eradicated, leading to the realization of a world governed by our conscience and by natural reason.

In the end, reconciliation and peace will come about through lineage. When blacks and whites, people from the East and West, Buddhists and Christians, and Jews and Muslims intermarry and carry on the blessed marriage tradition that True Parents have established, this world will naturally become one family. An ideal, heavenly kingdom based on the ideal of “One Family under God” will come about.

Finally, God created us as His counterparts in love, and He prepared the natural world as a gift for us. That is why all people have the duty to preserve and love the natural world. You should be able to experience resonance and harmony with nature, even with a simple cluster of wild flowers. This will be the shortcut to restoring human nature.