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Q. Khanson: Interpersonal Relations, An Islamic View

All humans born in this world are of identical flesh, blood, bone, and soul. We need this to live, and any diminishment of the first three causes us to physically fade. What differentiates us in this worldly life are our shape, strength, and attitude. The most formidable aspect of our life is our attitude toward others and our actions arising out of that attitude.

Our attitude towards Almighty God (Allah) and His creation matters most. This means that we ought to control our attitude in such a way that will enable us to live in harmony or at least tolerate each other. Confrontation is the last weapon, and it should be rarely utilized and seldom considered in person-to-person conversation.

If similarities in our attitudes are the binding factors, then interpersonal conflicts should end because we are gathered here to manifest our righteous attitude and please our Creator God. If our attitudes are similar, then we should unite in our efforts to please our Lord. Devils want us to enter hell but the Almighty wants us to enter heaven. Our purpose is to return to the place from which we came to this world, and we came from Heaven. Returning to the One who sent us to this world in order to earn a permanent abode back home in the heavens is what desirable. Can we not agree on this?

Islamic Guidance on Cordial Relations

In Islam, interpersonal relationships should be very friendly. Relationship among the believers in Islam is based on Islamic brotherhood, which is not based on economic interests, race, or color but on piety towards Almighty God. Besides, it is based on something infinitely supreme: rejection of falsehood and acceptance of the truth as revealed by the One True God. Cordial relations among the believers in Islam are recommended by Almighty God and by the Last Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). We are given these instructions:

"The believers are members of one family; you shall keep the peace within your family and reverence (Almighty) God, that you may attain mercy"(Qur'an 49:10). Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "They do not do injustice to others nor do they tolerate any injustice to themselves. In their love and concern for each other, all members of this brotherhood are one body: when any part of the body suffers, the whole body feels the pain" (Sahih Muslim).

Muslims Relationship with Non-Muslims:

Sincerity in human is needed to have a relationship with diverse people, simply because we are all the children of Adam (peace be upon him). Islam's emphasis on fairness and good treatment to all human beings without discrimination is supreme. It does not permit differentiation in the treatment of other people on the basis of religion, color, race, sex or nationality. Almighty God says in the Qur'an:

"You shall invite (them) to the path of your Lord with wisdom and kind enlightenment and talk with them in the best possible manner. Your Lord knows best who has strayed from His path, and He knows best who are the guided ones" (16:125).

The Last Messenger, Prophet Muhammad, said: "Whoever persecutes a non Muslim or demands work from him beyond his capacity or takes something from him with evil intentions, I shall be a complainant against him on the day of Resurrection" [Hadith]. Prophet Mohammed further said: "One who hurts a non-Muslim; he hurts me and one who hurts me hurts (Almighty) God” [Hadith].

Qamrul A. Khanson is a freelance writer and author of several books on spirituality and interfaith studies. He can be reached at