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C.S. Yong: Address to International Leadership Conference in Mindanao

Address to the International Leadership Conference on
“The Role of Interfaith Harmony and Good Governance in Peace and Development”
Davao, Mindanao, Philippines
March 29, 2012

We must find a model of good governance. This is an issue in advanced nations as well as in developing nations. It is needed in all fields: politics, finance, education, media, entertainment ,and even in religion too. This is a global concern. Therefore, we need a universal solution.

The Universal Peace Federation is situated in a very unique position to help in this search for a model of good leadership that can bring us into an age of universal peace and development.

UPF has the most broad-based international network of peacebuilders in the world. They are called the Ambassadors for Peace. This is the world's largest and most diverse network of peace leaders. UPF has chapters in 160 countries throughout the world.

With its global foundation UPF has created programs and educational initiatives that are a model for world harmony. UPF has found common ground with people from all ethnic backgrounds, all nationalities, and among people from all religious traditions. This is because the Principles of Peace that UPF promotes are universal. They are not narrow or sectarian.

Recently, the autobiography of our founder, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, has been released and is a best-selling book in many countries. The title is, “As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen.” Throughout his whole life Father Moon has been working tirelessly for peace and equitable social development. That is the heart of a true parent. It is an unstoppable desire to sacrifice so that your children can be happy and prosperous.

To build a new Philippines, a new mindset is needed; a new way of thinking. You need a new vision and a set of principles that transcend the barriers of race, religion, nationality, and culture. That vision must embrace our traditional values and be supported with the logic of modern science.

It must harmonize the spiritual values and material needs and help us put them in the proper order. It must teach us about the importance of the family and why we must respect the environment. It must show the way to bring reconciliation and healing. And it must be inclusive. UPF’s Principles of Peace do this.

Holding this International Leadership Conference in Mindanao is very historical. UPF is showing a model of interreligious harmony building bridges between Muslims, Christians, and indigenous people. We are cooperating with the provincial government of Sultan Kudarat to host the Interfaith Peace Blessing Festival on March 31. People will rededicate their marriages and families to God; young people will make a public pledge of purity.

The rest of the world is desperately searching for a solution to religious and communal conflict. If we could show the solution here in Mindanao, this model can be offered globally. Philippines can lead the world in creating one family Uunder God.

Let me conclude by sharing with you Father Moon’s concept of a good leader. A good leader has three qualities: the heart of a parent, the heart of a teacher, and the heart of an owner.

A leader with the heart of a parent is someone who sacrifices unconditionally. This is the nature of a parent, wanting to give, and give, and give, and still trying to give more. These types of leaders are naturally respected by their people.

Secondly a true leader has a teacher’s heart but does more than just transmit knowledge. This leader tries to give truth that will awaken the conscience. This leader will teach what is right and what is wrong. He or she will especially guide young people to be morally pure.

Finally, a good leader is a true owner. Just like a parent, such a leader takes responsibility no matter who causes the problem. They want to solve problems, not to blame others.

Father Moon says we should have the heart of a parent in the shoes of a servant. The heart of a parent in the body of a servant; that’s a good leader.

Thank you for coming to Mindanao. May God bless you. Mahbuhay!