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Address to the World Summit on Peace and International Leadership Conference
Rev. Dr. Chung Hwan Kwak, Chairman, UPF
Seoul, Korea, February 10, 2008

We gather at a very critical time in human history. The world is in need of a new paradigm of leadership and a new paradigm of good governance. As such, we have important work to do.

This year, we will further expand and develop the UPF’s Global Peace Festivals and the series of International Leadership Conferences.

We will also continue to promote cooperation among governments, civil society, and religions centering on several core areas of work:

  • Promoting character education for peace and human development
  • Promoting the World Peace Marriage Blessing, thereby strengthening marriage and family as instruments of peace and human development
  • Promoting interreligious cooperation
  • Promoting a universal ethic of service
  • Promoting renewal of the United Nations and achievement of the Millennium Development Goals

We will expand our peace initiatives, which focus on reconciliation, cooperation and mutual prosperity. These peace initiatives include:

  • The Middle East Peace Initiative
  • The Northeast Asia Peace Initiative
  • The Latin America Peace Initiative
  • The South Asia Peace Initiative
  • The Africa Peace Initiative

To establish a new paradigm of leadership and good governance, each of us must play a part. That is, we must each become a person who lives for the sake of others. Each day we must work not only to try to change others. We must begin by changing ourselves.

Let two principles guide us: First, live unselfishly; that is, live for the sake of others. Second, seek reconciliation, harmony, and cooperation.

When do we begin? Now.

UPF cannot succeed if we only proclaim a message of peace. We must become a living example of peace. It is up to us. This is why we are called to be Ambassadors for Peace. In order for UPF to succeed, we must first become people who embody these ideals.

Let us begin to build a new world of lasting peace. Let us build one family under God.