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O. Bogomolets: Address to World Summit 2017

Address to World Summit 2017, Seoul, Korea, February 1 to 5, 2017


“Geopolitical Discrimination: A Problem in the Modern World”

I am very grateful to the Summit organizing committee for this chance to speak here as a representative of Ukraine. I would like to talk about the geopolitical discrimination problem in the modern world, highlighting the modern crisis in world politics and imperfections in the democratic system.

  1. Geopolitical Discrimination as a New Reality of International Relations

When we talk about discrimination, usually it means some limitation on rights and freedoms of people or social minorities on certain grounds (by sex, race, religion etc.). Nevertheless, there is discrimination connected not only to some people or social minorities, but to countries as well. Those countries may be referred to as “small” or “minor.”

  1. Definition of “Small” or “Minor” Countries

Small or minor countries are countries that have some limitations on their foreign policies toward big “centers” of world power, with which they have to deal. Such countries have an uncompetitive economy, a low standard of living, and an undeveloped civil society. Taking into account all that was mentioned above, such countries are limited in the conduct of the country’s centric policies. Such countries become trade-off objects of so-called “great countries.” Those great countries are interested in geolocations (sea access or transit), natural resources (mainly energy resources), cheap manpower etc. Moldova, Azerbaijan, Syria and in some sense Georgia and Ukraine, are examples of such “small” or “minor” countries.

  1. Discriminated Countries are Epicenters of Ongoing or Frozen Conflicts

Often “minor” countries become objects of military aggression, occupation or hybrid war. Ten years ago, nobody took seriously the words of Universal Peace Federation’s founder, Dr. Sun Myung Moon, which he spoke in Hawaii: “Although the days of communism are gone, even now powerful nations such as China and Russia are constantly on the lookout for opportunities to aggressively pursue their own interests with the powerless and small island nations. Regardless of what nation it may be, no small island nation by itself can deal with these powerful surrounding nations and their economic, political or even military ambitions. Those nations are so powerful that, if they wanted to, they could dominate any of the smaller nations in a single day, without shedding blood.”

This is a close description of the situation that is happening right now in Ukraine, where hybrid war is going on. As a result, almost 10,000 people have died and there are over 2 million internal refugees. Russia occupied part of Moldova, part of Georgia (South Ossetia and Abkhazia), annexed the Crimea and occupied part of Donbas in Ukraine.

Ukraine’s desire to come out from under Russia’s sphere of influence and in this way to put an end to Russia as an empire, became the reason for Russian aggression against Ukraine, especially taking into account efforts of Ukraine to become energy independent from Russia. Russian military aggression makes it impossible for shale gas extraction in Donbas and extraction of hydrocarbons in the Black and Azov Seas.

  1. Discrimination Against Ukraine by the West

Also there is discrimination against Ukraine by the West through the delaying of the integration of Ukraine into Europe. Some examples are the referendum in the Netherlands, acceptance of new unforeseen conditions for Ukraine-European integration, and delay of visa-free entrance to the European Union. The destiny of “minor” countries may be impacted by the desire of some political circles in the West to make a trade-off with the “empire of evil.” However, we must recognize that Ukraine as well doesn’t make enough effort for reforms in order to be aligned with certain criteria for European integration.

  1. Fear of Upsetting Russia

The reaction of leading countries to these events was more restrained and it can be seen as a kind of geopolitical discrimination. The leading countries of the world are very careful not to provoke Russia into radical action. Russian capital is presently invested in economic structures in Germany, France and other European countries. This fear of upsetting Russia is one of the pillars on which the aggressor’s audacity rests. Clearly the desire of developed countries that have lived over half a century in peace is to save this peace. The same things had happened previously in Yalta in 1944 when the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Korea were divided and were given to communist regimes supported by the USSR. If one loses one’s principles, then sooner or later peace and freedom, which are the highest values, will be lost. Mr. Churchill said: “War is when for the interests of others innocent people die.”

  1. Insecurity that Threatens Ukraine and Threatens the World

Ukraine is a victim of the so-called “hybrid war” where the stage of war is not only Ukraine but the whole world; the battlefield is taking place in the economic, information and intellectual spaces. Using the freedom existing in the free world, Russia leads the information war against the world which Ukraine and other countries are a part of. The consequences of this war is felt in Ukraine and Syria.

While Russian soldiers die on the battlefield, Ukrainian people who were before mentally dependent on the “brother nation,” Russia, developed a negative attitude toward the occupying nation. The language and culture of the aggressor are being rejected. In Europe there have appeared Russians-free hotels, restaurants and other places; the representatives of the people who are the aggressor are unwelcome in the civilized world. Do the 140 million people of Russia, with its rich scientific and cultural heritage, deserve such treatment which was caused by the aggressive policy of its leaders?

  1. Ways to Bring Resolution

Russia opposes Ukraine “one on one.” The Budapest Memorandum guaranteed the existence of Ukraine as an independent state (from Russia and the U.S.) in exchange for Ukraine giving up its nuclear weapons. This memorandum turned out to be just a piece of paper, which did not oblige anyone to do anything. This proves that in the world there is no mechanism of influence on those who violate international agreements and people come to doubt that such treaties have political power.

That is why I support UPF’s idea to create the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace. I have hope that such an organization will lead the world into a certain balance and a balance of “power influence.” Parliamentarians, as representatives of the people, play a very important role in consolidating peace and promoting human development.

What can and should Ukraine do? First of all, we have to become a strong and energy-independent country. We understand that we have to rely on ourselves and conduct vital reforms to fight corruption. This problem is faced by all countries in the world, and Korea as well. The fact that the Korean government is ready to impeach the president is an indicator of a certain level of democracy and transparency, which is lacking in countries of the former USSR.

  1. Why is it Worthwhile and Necessary to Support Ukraine and to Cease the Discrimination?

By making political investments in Ukraine, the free world invests in its own security. Ukraine is undergoing painful changes; not everything goes quickly. But it is Ukraine that is now at the forefront of the struggle between good and evil, between civilization and barbarism. This cutting edge is in Donbas and the Crimea occupied by Russia. This crisis affects not only Ukraine but the whole of Europe, the whole free world. If Ukraine falls – Europe will be next!

Thank you for your attention. God bless all of you and your families and together we can bring about peace all over the world.


Hon. Dr. Olga Bogomolets, Member of the Supreme Council, Ukraine

Hon. Dr. Olga Bogomolets is a Member of the Supreme Council, Ukraine. She was a candidate for the position of President of Ukraine (2014). Dr. Bogomolets chairs the Committee of Verkhovna Rada (Parliament of Ukraine) on Health Issues and serves as counselor to the President on humanitarian issues. She is a physician and scientist with over 25 years of extensive professional research, and clinical and teaching experience in dermato-oncology, telemedicine, and laser medicine.

To go to the 2017 World Summit Conference Schedule, click here.