Excerpts of address to the Americas Summit, College Station, Texas, April 30, 2008

Français, Spanish

God chose and raised up the United States of America in accordance with His providential plan, and trained the American people through Christianity. Civilization on the North American continent, rooted in faith, has bequeathed to the world the principles of freedom of religion and respect for equal human rights. On America’s shoulders rests the responsibility to bring harmony and oneness among the world’s 6.5 billion people and to expedite the creation of a peaceful, ideal world.

The present time marks an important milestone in the development of civilization. We stand at a critical junction of human history where we can complete the providence of building God’s fatherland and peace kingdom as the culmination of human history.

We must work quickly to complete the reform of the United Nations and also to fulfill the mission of the Universal Peace Federation as the “Abel” or Peace UN, which was launched in September 23, 2007. In this way, we will expand God’s ideal of creation into politics, economy, culture, and education, all under the realm of God’s heart and love.

No nation can be an exception from this. All the walls and barriers that divide the human family are to break down before the waves of heavenly fortune coming to earth in this era. As you become the owners and inheritors of the victorious foundation brought by the True Parents of heaven and earth, you will build God’s fatherland with your own hands!

Whoever practices true love will live with God, share His happiness, and enjoy the right to participate as an equal in His work. A life lived for the sake of others is the absolute precondition for entering the kingdom of heaven. It is the new way of life, modeled on a family whose members all live peacefully centering on God. It is your responsibility as Ambassadors for Peace to seek after and establish families of the kingdom of God.

Please do not forget that the democracy as we enjoy it today is essentially an ideology of brotherhood. In that sense, democracy itself is serving a transitional role, and we should quickly take a revolutionary leap forward into a civilization of God’s heart and love, the age of the true parents and the true families.

I sincerely wish and pray that you will engrave on your hearts these words I have conveyed to you and use them in educating your children, other young people, and all the citizens of your nations. May God’s blessings be with your families, your nations, the Pacific Rim region, and the “Peace UN”!