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Kathmandu Declaration on Peace and Development

Asia Pacific Summit 2018 – Nepal
Hyatt Regency Kathmandu
November 30 – December 3, 2018

Whereas, the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) collaborated with the International Conference of Asian Political Parties and the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace to organize the Asia Pacific Summit 2018 – Nepal; and

Whereas, with the theme “Addressing the Critical Challenges of Our Time: Interdependence, Mutual Prosperity and Universal Values,” in attendance were current and former heads of state and government, speakers of parliament, cabinet ministers, lawmakers, along with representatives from faith-based organizations, civil society, youth and the media; and

Whereas, we all expressed utmost gratitude and appreciation for the efforts being undertaken by the Universal Peace Federation, founded by Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, towards establishing a world of peace, happiness, harmony and mutual prosperity; and

Whereas, due to the urgent and growing awareness among people throughout the world for visionary initiatives and bold leadership to resolve the critical issues of our time we, the delegates of the Asia Pacific Summit 2018 – Nepal, hereby affirm the following:

  1. Urgent and effective action must be taken by the world community to address the critical issues related to climate change which threaten the very existence of the human race and our planet, our only home, and, if ignored, is done so at our own peril; the initial effects of this man-made calamity can be observed in the melting glaciers of the world’s tallest mountains as well as polar ice caps and, in the end, submerge low-lying island nations;
  2. This Summit noted with concern the increasing threats to global security due to a variety of social, political and economic causes and stressed the need for mutual tolerance, understanding, accommodation and dialogue to resolve conflicts and ensure a more peaceful, equitable and inclusive world order;
  3. In this regard, the Summit appealed to the world community to study Nepal’s peace process where, after a decade of conflict and violence, parties joined hands to resolve conflict through negotiations and peaceful means, managed the arms and combatants, organized the Constituent Assembly elections, wrote a democratic constitution, restructured the state, and formed the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal—an unprecedented and historical achievement;
  4. The essential importance of the institutions of marriage and family are crucial to achieving lasting peace and happiness, in addition to advancing sustainable development, and took note that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights calls the family “the natural and fundamental group unit of society” which is “entitled to protection by society and the State;”
  5. The need to upgrade the status of women who have endured extreme discriminations, reduced access to education, as well as disenfranchised opportunities, and that governments at all levels of society address gender inequality at its root by understanding the harmonious and complementary dual nature of all things in creation;
  6. The necessity to include youth and students in transformational leadership roles, calling on them to practice social responsibility, moral integrity, and, regardless of their chosen vocation, national identity, racial origin or cultural upbringing, to develop a self-governing conscience of altruism; and
  7. The ideal of living for the sake others is an effective means to help people reconcile differences and overcome divisions in human relationships at the family, social, national and world levels, and can foster a culture of one global family.
  8. The Summit sincerely appreciated the unreserved support of the Prime Minister H.E. KP Sharma Oli, his government and the Federal Parliament of Nepal, for the success of this historic gathering and the warm hospitality provided to the participants, and commended His Excellency for receiving UPF's Leadership and Good Governance Award. 

This Summit noted comments and suggestions made during the plenary sessions by the participants, especially the recommendation to set up a Steering Committee to stay in touch with conference delegates on a regular basis in order to continue the momentum created at the Asia Pacific Summit – 2018 Nepal with a view to furthering its objectives.

We, the participants of this Asia Pacific Summit 2018 – Nepal,
do hereby adopt unanimously this
Kathmandu Declaration on Peace and Development
on this Sunday, the 2nd day of December 2018 in Kathmandu, Nepal.