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V. Jolly: Address to Asia Pacific Summit 2018

Address to Asia Pacific Summit 2018, Kathmandu, Nepal, Nov. 30–Dec. 3, 2018


Dear Brothers and Sisters, I’m bringing you the warm and good wishes of ICAPP Chairman Hon. Jose De Venecia, the five-time speaker of the Philippines Parliament. The chairman of the International Conference of Asian Political Parties, representing 352 political parties spreading across 52 nations of the world, the Hon. Jose De Venecia, who has coupled together friends from each continent of the world. I represent Jose De Venecia and the ICAPP at this gathering of the head of states, the parliamentarians, and the world leaders in the pure country of Nepal. Viva Nepal!

Dear friends, whenever I come to Nepal, the first thing I do after getting off the plane is I touch the land of Nepal, I touch the soil of Nepal to my forehead because this Nepal is the country of Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva gives us the mission to take forward the message of brotherhood, the message of friendship which UPF, the Universal Peace Federation, has taken across the globe. This is the reason why the heads of states from various countries led by the Hon. Prime Minister of Cambodia – not a one-term Prime Minister but the Prime Minister of Cambodia for thirty-four (34) long years who was recently elected for another five years – the Hon. Hun Sen, are here. The state counselor of Myanmar, the great freedom fighter who fought for the people of Myanmar, none other than the noble laureate Aung San Suu Kyi came here. Let’s give her a big hand. (applause from the crowd…)

It’s the success story of UPF and the result of the hard work and effort of Mother Moon, Dr. Walsh, and his great team. The former Prime Minister of India, the son of the soil, the Kissan leader, active leader David Gola, came here. David Gola, we thank you for coming all the way from the Republic of India. The honorable former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Yousaf Raza Gillani, came here again, which shows us the general acceptance of UPF in global politics.

The Vice President of the Philippines, who looks more like a singing star and film star, but she is a political leader, none other than Honorable, Her Excellency, Maria Leonor. Give her a big hand. (applause from the crowd…)

Baron Waqa, the president of Nauru, whom I met a few years ago in Taiwan at the swearing-in ceremony of the Taiwanese President, we welcome you, sir.

The head of Samoa, His Highness Vaaletoa. The Governor General of Tuvalu, Sir Iakoba Taeia Italeli. All these people have come here at the invitation of the Universal Peace Federation. I would not be fulfilling my duty if I didn’t recognize the great hard work of the chairman of the Invitation Committee, none other than the former Prime Minister, Mr. Mhadav Khumar of Nepal, whose untiring efforts made this great conference a great success, and the courtier who has been championing this conference, a young face, the former minister, the honorable Ek Nath Dhakal. We wish you all the best. And also my heartfelt thanks to K.P. Oli, the Honorable Prime Minister, and his full cabinet who made this great occasion such a great success.

Dear friends, history repeats itself: ninety-eight (98) years ago, an angel of peace and brotherhood was born on this mother earth. Father Moon was born in 1920 and spent his life working for international brotherhood and friendship, going to jail six times in his quest to work all around the world, and in a hundred and twenty days, visiting a hundred and twenty countries, while leading a married life with Mother Moon. He lived to the age of ninety-two years and in the year 2012 he ascended to the spirit world. He has not left us. His spirit is here, he is guiding us, he is watching over us, he is blessing us, he is motivating us through the foundation he founded along with his gracious wife, Mother Moon, the Universal Peace Federation, many, many years ago. His spirit is somewhere here, Dr. Walsh. I can feel him, you can feel him, we can all feel him. He is alive, his soul is alive, he is blessing us, and his blessing is that the world statesmen are on this great roster, in this pure land of Nepal. Mother Moon, you are a great leader, you are a woman leader, you are the daughter of this Divine God. You stand for the oppressed, you guide all humanity, you promulgate peace. This world looks toward you for your message of brotherhood, peace and friendship. Isn’t it true, and if it is true, please stand and give a standing ovation to our great, respected Mother Moon.

The shine on her face shows she is leading us. I have been associated with UPF during the past few years, taking interreligious people, the religious leaders, all across the world, bringing more than three hundred and fifty (350) parliamentarians from Nauru to Nepal, from Nepal to Kenya, from Kenya to America, from America to the Philippines, from the Philippines to India. The speaker of the Fiji Parliament landed here on the soil of Nepal this morning, which is a testament to the general acceptability of the Universal Message of Peace, friendship and fraternity of UPF led by none other than the shining Mother Moon. Mother Moon is a great woman leader of the world who got married at the age of seventeen years and spent 52 years of married life with the great angel of peace, Father Moon. Once again, since many of the world leaders, the statesmen here, have to speak, but I as a soldier of the ICAPP to a great leader, my great leader, Chairman Jose De Venecia and also as a great soldier of my great Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi the honorable Prime Minister of India, who has always taken the lead in India as a co-partner in peace and development in this part of the world, bringing every friend of the Asia Pacific Region together in global peace, global friendship, global brotherhood. I once again salute you all, salamhe, prenamhe, namaskarhe, and once again I give my heartfelt greetings, namaskar, to Mother Moon and to a great team. Thank you!



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