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T. Walsh: Address to World Summit 2020

Address to World Summit 2020, Seoul, Korea, February 3-8, 2020


Thank you, Dr. Jenkins.

Your Excellencies, distinguished leaders from more than 170 nations around the world: Welcome to World Summit 2020.

On behalf of Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, the Universal Peace Federation, and the Organizing Committee of World Summit 2020, it is my distinct privilege to share a few words of welcome at the outset of this most significant, timely and historic summit being convened here in Korea.

This summit is being convened on the foundation of a series of global and regional summits that have been convened around the world over the past several years, on every continent: Korea, Japan, the USA, Senegal, South Africa, Niger, São Tomé and Príncipe, Cambodia, Nepal, Palau, Dominican Republic, Albania, and other venues.

Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon has been leading this effort, carrying forward the work that she and her husband, the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, have been developing for decades.

Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon convened this summit in honor of the centenary of her husband and also to honor their 60 years of marriage. Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon is the heart and soul, the inspiration and the standard-bearer of this worldwide peace movement that is making a dramatic, positive and transformative impact around the world for peace.

I applaud the amazing work of so many who have contributed to this great endeavor, including the Secretariat of Dr. Moon, the regional group chairs, the UPF regional chairs, and countless others.

It has been a challenge, but it is a labor of love.

Seeing all of you gathered today is the greatest reward we have.

The summit series of UPF is not merely conferences, but they are part of a coordinated, growing and momentum-building peace movement, one that brings a breath of fresh air, hope, opportunity and innovation to a world that is often confused, troubled, with a tragic breakdown of both values and institutions.   

Without Mother Moon’s vision, leadership and her absolute commitment—her love for God, her love for humanity—UPF’s work would not be possible.

Dr. Moon has designed an innovative organizational structure for the UPF that includes a family of associations that give voice and focus to several core sectors. Six associations, to be precise. One for current and former heads of state, one for parliamentarians, one for religious leaders, one for academicians, one for business leaders, and one for media professionals. And one for first ladies.

The structure of these associations is expressed in the very impressive program that has been prepared for this summit over the next two days.

Peace can be achieved only if all sectors are engaged.  In other words, the achievement of peace requires not only the engagement of governments. If we are to achieve peace, we also must tap into the capacities of faith-based organizations, those billions of believers around the world—Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, etc.—who also aspire to a world of lasting peace. 

Non-state actors are essential partners for peace. All sectors, all stakeholders, together with governments, must be engaged fully, dialogically, comprehensively and collaboratively in order for us to hope to achieve peace. 

Dr. Moon has identified three core values that constitute the foundation of the UPF’s World Summit series. These are interdependence, mutual prosperity and universal values. The ultimate goal is to establish a world of lasting peace, a universal peace for the whole human family living in harmony and cooperation, one family under God.

As we consider Peace, Security and Human Development over the next few days, let us engage one another with our full attention and commitment.

This World Summit is a great and golden opportunity.

We surely can, and I believe we will, come away from this meeting with not only inspiration but also a set of ideas and best practices that we can apply, step by step, as we move forward together toward peace and mutual prosperity for all.

Let me conclude by saying that the work of UPF has prospered throughout the world, every corner of the world.  It is not due merely to some administrative or communications strategy, even though we try our best.  At its core, UPF is guided and driven by a spiritual vision. Dr. Moon, who will address us later in this program, embodies that vision. She is indeed a heavenly blessing to this world, and to each of us. You will know her by her fruits.

Thank you for your attention and for your participation in World Summit 2020.



To go to the World Summit 2020 Schedule page, click here.