Address to World Summit 2020, Seoul, Korea, February 3-8, 2020


Excellencies, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

First of all, I would like to thank the Universal Peace Federation for inviting me to participate in the World Summit 2020 organized to mark the centenary of the birth of Rev. Sun Myung Moon, and 60th wedding anniversary of Rev. and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon. May I pay a great homage to Rev. Moon for his great contribution to the cause of peace, brotherhood and happiness in the world, and heartily pray for the peace of this great soul in heaven. I believe that his vision and mission of creating a world of peace, happiness and prosperity will continue to inspire and guide all of us to work towards achieving these lofty ideals. I also would like to congratulate Dr. Moon for her relentless effort and great contribution in promoting the vision and mission of her great husband, with whom she founded the UPF, and wish her great success in the days ahead.     

Now, on the theme of this conference, "Realizing World Peace and the Reunification of the Korean Peninsula Through Interdependence, Mutual Prosperity and Universal Values,” I believe that the concept of world peace and reunification of the Korean Peninsula or, for that matter, the resolution and elimination of any cause of conflict are interrelated—and that real world peace can be achieved only when the causes of conflict and tension are removed. 

The artificial division of Korea into North and South has been the cause of tension and conflict for so many years and, therefore, the time has come to work sincerely towards creating favorable conditions for the peaceful reunification of Korea, which is in the best interest and wellbeing of the people of the Korean Peninsula and is also in the larger interest of world peace.

Nepal, along with many other peace-loving nations, has always supported the peaceful reunification of Korea through the combined will, effort and determination of the honest, hardworking and peace-loving people of Korea.

In the present time, a great acceleration of globalization has been occurring, and interdependence and mutual prosperity has therefore become the order of the day. Interdependence has offered us both the challenge and opportunity for mutual prosperity of all nations of the world. When we talk about interdependence and mutual prosperity of all nations and peoples of the world, there must be accepted universal values, which should guide their thoughts and actions towards creating a society based on a spiritual and ethical foundation—free from conflict, violence, discrimination, exploitation, inequality, intolerance and repression.

Otherwise a mostly peaceful country, Nepal experienced two decades of armed conflict with devastating consequences of violence and atrocities. Moreover, Nepal can play an important role in spreading and promoting the message and cause of peace in Nepal, the land of Lord Buddha. Creating conditions of peace is important, but more important is that people feel peace in their day-to-day life. Realizing peace in real life is more important than discussing the concept of peace. If we want to build a mutually prosperous, interdependent, peaceful and sustainable human society, peace is a prerequisite. Where there is no mutual prosperity, there is no peace. Furthermore, lasting peace and mutual prosperity cannot be achieved without mutual cooperation among the people of the world. Elevating humankind as a whole must be one of the primary resolutions to obtain sustainable peace and mutual prosperity in the world.

World Summit 2020 has also given unique significance to the centenary year of the birth of the UPF’s revered founder, Dr. Sun Myung Moon. I met Father Moon in 2010 at the Cheon Jeong Gung Peace Palace here in Korea. His warm embrace melted my heart. It is like his holy arms kept me safe all this time.

I also must thank the chairman of the Universal Peace Federation, Dr. Thomas G. Walsh, for inviting me to join the invitational committee of the World Summit 2020.

Lastly, I would like to thank the UPF for giving me an opportunity to share my perspective at this important gathering of world leaders. I also would like to appreciate the contribution of the UPF towards creating the conditions of peace by organizing summits in different regions of the world.

Thank you.



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