Address to World Summit 2020, Seoul, Korea, February 3-8, 2020


Good afternoon, I am Rev. Toru Miyahara.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak on behalf of the Japanese clergy.

In Japan, Shinto and Buddhism are the traditional religions and are widely spread throughout our culture. Christianity has a history of 470 years in the country, during which there have been three revivals. However, it is still a minority religion.

The devoted work of many Catholic missionaries since St. Francis Xavier produced hundreds of thousands of Christians in the first half century. Later, many people were martyred because of national persecution. In addition, the ban on Christianity led to a crackdown policy that lasted for 250 years. Surprisingly, during that time some practiced the religion secretly, and the freedom of religion was achieved 150 years ago.

In the 19th century, Catholic missionaries came again, and new Protestant missionaries made a significant contribution to Japan's modernization and youth education. Japan was reborn as a democratic nation after being defeated in World War II 74 years ago, but democracy’s Christian spirit has not spread, and it has been threatened by atheism and communism.

In anticipation of this situation, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Father Moon, sent a missionary to Japan in 1958. Rev. Moon has protected Japanese youth from atheism, communism and moral decadence, and has explained God’s ideals and the situation of God’s heart to them.

About a decade later, deeply impressed by Rev. Moon's message, pastors emerged in the ecumenical movement. Rev. Shinichi Nakamura acknowledged that "Rev. Moon is the Lord of the second coming," and was blessed by Rev. Moon and his wife, Dr. Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon. He was the pioneer of the clergy conference.

After that, an ecumenical organization was established, but did not develop sufficiently in Japan.

Meanwhile, young missionaries with the vision, trained by Father and Mother Moon, were sent out to the world. This included many women missionaries, who left their families behind.

I myself have been a Christian pastor for many years, with Father and Mother Moon’s guidance, inheriting the spirit of Rev. Nakamura. My wife has been involved in missions in South and North America for 30 years.

When I stand here and look at you, I see the fruit of the sincere efforts that were made by the Japanese pioneers, and I express my gratitude to Father and Mother Moon. I would like to pay utmost respect to Father and Mother Moon who have completed the 2,000 year Christian history following the mission of Jesus Christ.

Last December 28, I participated in the launching of the World Clergy Leadership Conference (WCLC) and witnessed the power of the Holy Spirit far beyond imagination and received a Heavenly vocation again.

“The lion has roared, who would not fear?  The Lord God has spoken, who would not prophesy?”  (Amos 3:8).

From now on, I have to make another prophecy to the Christian Church in Japan:

“Arise! Shine, for your light has come,
the glory of the Lord has dawned upon you.
Though darkness covers the earth,
and thick clouds, the peoples,
Upon you the Lord will dawn,
and over you his glory will be seen”  (Isaiah 60:1-2).

As I told my brothers and sisters at the WCLC Inaugural Convocation last December, I will organize a Japan Clergy Leadership Conference (JCLC) in Japan that can contribute to the development of the WCLC. JCLC will be the keystone of reconciliation among religions. I am determined to build a fortress of peace.

In the future, a Christian revival must occur again in Japan. God is alive. The work of the Holy Spirit has finally strengthened through Father and Mother Moon.

The clergy of the world, brothers and sisters, please pray for the awakening of Christianity in Japan and hold hands to create a new spiritual awakening around the world.

Thank you very much. God bless you.



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