Address to World Summit 2020, Seoul, Korea, February 3-8, 2020


Honorable Audience, excellencies, ladies and gentlemen. First of all, I would like to thank the Universal Peace Federation for this great World Summit 2020, where we all meet together at the same table: young or experienced, women or men, religious leaders or parliamentarians, or academicians, but all with the same thought – promoting peace, democracy, human rights, non-violence and life.

It’s a great honor for me to be the voice of Moldovan citizens who want to develop a better community, a better country and, why not, a better world for all of us.

It is an honor to speak in the name of peace, democracy and universal values, like liberty, solidarity, action and tolerance, non-aggression, prosperity, life, humanity and social responsibility.

Every community, country, continent, has its own wounds, its dark moments in its history. But it is encouraging that every time, humanity has been able to rise above the selfishness of some dark leaders, led by selfish desires, ready to endanger even the future of all humanity.

Evil has no political color, evil has no ideology, it is only evil. Throughout Europe, it has often made human to hate human. Whether bearing different names such as Fascism, Nazism or Communism, it has had the same results: human drama, tragedies, military conflicts, loss of human lives. Now, probably more than ever, we are living in moments of peace, but this global peace is very weak and needs reliable partners, visionary leaders. Leaders who are open to collaboration with all the states of the world, regardless of the size of the state, its wealth or military power.

Over the past decades, we had a less peaceful world. The issue of war and peace has always been a focal issue in all periods of history. The international community fully realized the supreme importance of peace and fighting against the evil of war only after having suffered the most highly destructive two World Wars in the 20th century.

Nevertheless, since absence of war is the first condition of peace, one of the major concerns of all political leaders has been to follow the principles for securing this objective. Today, the need to secure peace continues to be a primary goal of the international community. This need is crucial for Moldova. We need peace in our country. Like all countries, Moldova is affected tremendously by the frozen conflicts in the region. This is a huge obstacle in the economic development and prosperity of our country.

Excellencies, I would like to conclude today by leaving you a Bible verse: “Never pay back evil with more evil. Live your life and do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable. Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.” (Romans 12:17-18) May God help us all to be good lawmakers and real peacemakers in this world! ”

Dear friends, democracies have and continue to have a lot of enemies. Democracies have become vulnerable. Democracies die in the dark. This is why it needs to be protected. As parliamentarians, we must have the wisdom, the courage to rise above the interests of the political parties we belong to, above the personal interests, above the interests of dubious, artificially raised leaders, and to be guided by only the highest interests of mankind. It’s so simple.

Only we can bring hope in our countries, hope that we can be good leaders, hope for peace and democracy, hope for a better world. We are the ones who work for the benefit of humanity.

Peace brings peace!



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